March 2021 Beacon

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January 14, 2021

to rules, regulations and requirements, North Channel Yacht Club (NCYC) was able to pull off a very successful boating season and have a lot of fun in the process. We also want to thank all the outgoing Board of Directors, Fleet Captain and Board Recorder and welcome the new team for this calendar year. Thank you also, to all the members that have stepped forward to organize and champion an event for the upcoming season. It is through these events that the spirit and traditions of NCYC continues to live on. Commodore Glenn and his lady Sheila have a great year planned for 2021 and with a little luck and cooperation from our government officials, we know this year will be outstanding. Lake St. Clair water levels continue to drop slightly and if the Army Corp of Engineer estimates are accurate, we will see approximately 8 inches less water by the end of March, as compared to March of last year. Again, with a little luck we might realize those “happy medium” lake levels that we have all been hoping for. Get ready, because the maintenance of your boat and the preparation of the island is only four months away and it will be here before you know it. Let’s make 2021 the best year ever for the best Yacht Club on the Great Lakes. We look forward to seeing you on the Island. V/C Dale Rachel and I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! We hope everyone stayed safe and enjoyed the holidays. I would like to thank PC Bill and Terri for a great 2020, we could not have had the success we did without them. I would like to thank Jill, PC Rick, Frank, John, Darryl and Ron for their years of service on the Board and Tony for his diligence and hard work in 2020 as our board recorder. Based on the situation, it made the job very difficult and he did an amazing job. I would like to congratulate our new board member’s Kevin, Bill, Melissa, Al, Tom and Scott. I am looking forward to a great year and working with all of you. I would also like to welcome Doug as our new board recorder and Mark as our new chaplain. I am looking forward to working with you. Even though our holidays have been somewhat restrictive, I am looking forward to celebrating with our NCYC families to congratulate Commodore Glenn and his lady Sheila in April to kick off a great year. I am proud and humbled to represent you as your new Rear Commodore. I look forward to working with the Flag Officers, Glenn and Dale, as we steer the ship toward another successful year for 2021. We will continue to make NCYC the best club on the Lake. Rear-Commodore’s Comments Rear Commodore, Brian Fringer


Financial Report

Treasurer, Kevin Rae

For December we had expenses in the amount of $7882.47 and an income of $725.00. Everything is in line with the winter down season.

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