North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022

or general membership meeting.

G. Authorized to cosign checks with either the Commodore or Vice-Commodore. In order to make timely deposits and withdrawals, an outgoing Treasurer shall promptly obtain and present for use from all Club depositories, transfer of signatory approval forms to the newly elected officers. Outgoing Treasurer shall promptly turn over to a successor all records, accounts, supplies, and funds belonging to the Club. Revised: October 2019 [Section 8, Independent Auditor, deleted, October 2019] Section 9. Delegates. To report to the Board of Directors the results of all meetings which they are required to attend. ARTICLE IX. FORWARD PLANNING COMMITTEE The Forward Planning Committee shall be composed of six members, the Club Secretary, and the Rear-Commodore. Each member appointee, shall be appointed for a three-year term, except for the year 2001 where the Board of Directors shall appoint, at the January Board of Directors meeting, six members to the Forward Planning Committee, two for a three-year term, two for a two-year term and two for a one-year term. The Board of Directors after 2001, shall, at the January Board of Directors meeting appoint two replacement members to the Forward Planning Committee. In the case of a member resignation, the Board of Directors shall H. I.


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