North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022

appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the open term. The Forward Planning Committee shall be responsible for the development of a “Five year and Ten-year Plan” to guide the Board in future Club projects and maintaining continuity with current programs. The Forward Planning Committee shall hold at least three meetings before presenting their plans for consideration at the September Board of Directors meeting for approval.

The Rear Commodore shall present the approved “Five and Ten year” plan at the October General Membership meeting.

Revised: October 2019 ARTICLE X. BURGEE

None other than vessels registered with the Fleet Captain, in commission, and not chartered to non- members, and under the command of a Club member, shall have the privilege of flying the Club burgee. The Club burgee of the North Channel Yacht Club cannot be changed in color or graphic design. Burgee description consists of four colors with a white field using black letters along with a red border on top and blue border on bottom. Other use of the burgee when applied to apparel, hats or patches, sewn appliqué or embroidery sewn as part of garment, when in more than one color, must follow color and graphic design. Printing in one color must follow graphic design and printing in full color must follow both color and graphic design. For design layout, reference Club records.


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