North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022


The following list provides North Channel Yacht Club (NCYC) Traditions. This includes customs that have been part of NCYC's history over the years. The intention of this list is to maintain the historical culture of the club through subsequent generations. The list is not a requirement of events that must be conducted, but rather a guide on what has been done in the past and may be continued in the future.

This list may be updated as seen fit by the NCYC Policies and Traditions Committee.

1. Each board member, excluding the current Commodore, but including most current PC will be assigned an OD Weekend. The Immediate PC is the Club’s delegate for the ABYA and will typically be assigned the 2nd weekend of the year which is the traditional hosting of the ABYA dinner dance and meeting at NCYC. Newly elected directors will be assigned Holiday/Party weekends with first choice determined by director with the most votes and so on until all 3 or 4 slots are assigned. Remaining weekends will be assigned with volunteer members having first choice based on seniority or years being an OD; consideration to flag officer status and, 3rd year directors, then 2nd year directors. Holiday/Party weekends where we have entertainment, and a General Membership meeting will have junior member bartenders


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