North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022

assigned during the time the band is playing. It will be the duty of the Activities Director to assemble a team of 3 bartenders to be assigned. Only the OD will handle, count, and distribute the tip money. 2. The Rear Commodore is delegated as responsible for raising flag and lighting the officer’s board announcing arrival/departure for all flag officers. The week managers and weekend OD will have this responsibility if the Rear Commodore is not on the island. 3. Commodore to take ceremonial bell home following flag raising ceremony on Memorial Day weekend. If there happens to be a death of a PC then this person is responsible to have the year and name etched on the bell. As PC the following year he/she will bring the bell to the island and place on the flagpole prior to ceremony. 4. Incoming Commodore will take the registration book home for safe keeping after Haul Out (club closing) and return to the island on Memorial weekend. 5. Following the death of a PC, the next Beacon will have a picture of said PC on the cover with a memorial article contained therein 6. Past Commodores Beer Bust to be organized by the most recent PC and carried out by fellow Past Commodores held annually following the General Membership meeting Saturday of Labor Day weekend Annually. 7. Memorial Weekend Sunday activity includes flag raising ceremony with Pride of Michigan visit, followed by Commodore’s luncheon to the membership and blessing of the fleet. 8. The nominating Committee Chairman is the second year PC. 9. Any Past Commodore that resigns from the club in good standing will receive a framed NCYC burgee as a gift for his / her service to the club. This is handled by the Secretary upon Board approval.

10. Captain’s Breakfast; 4th of July weekend 11. The Men’s Fat-In; week after Haul Out


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