North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022

12. A Steak Luncheon is provided to our workers at the last Elite Brigade work party. 13. Acknowledgement of current flag officers and PC status was demonstrated by designated flags on the dining tables. In earlier years, the Friday night dinners were spaghetti dinners prepared by volunteers of the First Mates. 14. The Commodore appoints a member or couple to be the Youth Activities Director to involve and engage our youth, which is important as the youth are the future of our club. In the past, the Youth Activities Director has been responsible to organize multiple events such as Kids Day, Camp Out, Cardboard Boat Races, Sailboat Regatta, Fishing Tournament, as well as any other ideas/events that might engage youth participation. 15. The First Mates organize the Labor Day Weekend dinner, entertainment and prizes as part of their fundraising initiatives. 16. The yearly Blessing of the Fleet held at the Mariners Church in March is attended by the current year Flag Officers and Chaplain or their designate. 17. An Honor Guard of Past Commodore’s will assemble at a Funeral service for a Current or Past Commodore’s. This will be arranged by the current Past Commodore. 18. A Ladies Week will be hosted by the current Commodore’s First Lady during each year, most often held in June but scheduled by the Commodore. Ladies Week is to be attended by female members & guests only. 19. A Commodores Ball Honoring the in coming Commodore and his First Lady usually held in January of each year and attended by all NCYC Members and Guests and scheduled by the Commodore. 20. The Commodore’s Steer Roast / Dinner followed by Entertainment usually is planned to follow the General Membership meeting of Opening Weekend Memorial weekend


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