November 2022 Beacon

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September 1, 2022

Commodore’s Comments

Commodore, Dale Hall

Meeting minutes from August sent, please review and updated. Motion to accept: Gary J. Second by Bill Burkhart. Carried by all As we enter the last month of the NCYC Summer Season we can reflect back on a very successful year. Our member showed up to the island in huge numbers. The BOD have addressed many issues head-on and brought them to a successful conclusion. Our work is not complete, however. We have several exciting events on the calendar. Although the month of September slows down quite a bit, we still have one of our biggest events…smoke on the water – scheduled for September 17 th . Please continue to encourage participation in all the weekends and ensure all of our directors responsibilities are being completed in a timely manner. After Smoke on the Water we have an open weekend for our members to enjoy the club, however, we have scheduled Octoberfest on the 3 rd . Let’s finish the year strong! Vice Commodore, Brian Fringer I want to echo the Commodore’s comments and thank the board of directors for all their hard work up to this point in the year. We have a month to go so let’s finish strong. Rear Commodore, Rick Romatz Let me start with saying Thank You to all of the Members that came to the Island on Tuesday after the storm on Monday a week ago when we lost some island trees and the A dock Sunshade and cut up and burned the lumber and helped our Managers get the island cleaned up for Labor Day weekend just goes to show you the kind of members we have that take the time out of their day to help take care of our club when needed Thank You. With regard to some of the things that surfaced earlier this year regarding the island guests I believe we need to remind the membership of the Policies we have in place and that NCYC is a Member owned private club one of respect for others and one that has been respected for its dignity for many years. I don’t think our members have lost respect for our club and the members but maybe their guests do not respect the club and members as they should. Vice-Commodore’s Comments Rear-Commodore’s Comments

Financial Report

Treasurer, Christa Betts

Expenses 38,369.89 Income 45,978.80 Net 7,608.91 Cash on Hand 455,255.22

Motion by: Christa Betts Second by: R/C Rick Romatz

Motion: Carried by all.

ABYA Report

P/C Glenn Nixon

No report. **End of Report**



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