November 2022 Beacon
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September 1, 2022
Gary J. – 5 letters… Subject - Overdrinking, respect & following the rules. 20 min. 1. Member did not stay in assigned room 2. Members serving themselves after the bar closed. Verbal harassment saying you can’t close the bar until 2am. This event was stressful for the OD’s nor is there a support system in place. 3. A member demanded a room for his overnight guest. Member becoming agitated and screamed at OD. V/C Brian Fringer attempted to calm the member down. 4. Members with second boat in the east harbor – one member indicated that they knew who the boat belonged to. 5. Members refused to provide names for identification or member information.
- Suggest keeping a log of offenders and letters sent as a result of multiple offenses. This log must be retained in secure storage.
Activities Dennis Alacazar YTD Revenue of $16,298.06. Expenses $11,007.06. Net profit of 5,291.00. Thank you to all who stepped up to volunteering for running an activity. $1,164.00 income for August. **End of Report**
Bill Burkhardt
New HVAC system is up and running in the boutique! **** End of report****
Harbor & Grounds
Terry Steinmacher
1) First of all I would like to thank everyone that took time out of there busy schedules to complete the hand rail painting project. What a difference a coat of paint makes. As your Harbor and Grounds Director I am overwhelmed with all the members that are stepping up to tackle some of these much needed projects 2) I received a call from P/C Pagel on 8/16 in regards to there being no full propane tanks on the island. I was informed that there were 19 empty tanks. The propane tanks for the bbq’s are there for you when needed but please keep in mind that they also need to be refilled in a timely manner so nobody runs out of propane while cooking there meals or for an event being held on the island. Please if you take the last full tank out of the cage let either Myself, the Weekday Manager or the Weekend OD know and they will let me know and I will have all the tanks refilled and put back in stock. 3) While out and about throughout the island I have noticed some more deck boards that could use some attention. Please keep an eye out for a posting for a deck board replacement party. All invited to attend. Will be looking for a couple of crews to knock it out.
4) New burners picked up
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