Well we did it again…….. Haul out is over and it was another highly successful year at North
Channel Yacht Club!!!!
The election results are in and we have a great new set of leaders for the Flag and Board of
Directors to continue the work of running the club. Congratulations to Randy Pagel as our
Rear Commodore, Bill Calihan, Scott Greenfelder, and Tom Martin as Directors. I hope that
those that were not elected this year remember that they are greatly needed and will be willing
to go for it again next year.
This is the time of year that I reflect on the boating season just completed. I realize how many
members so unselfishly volunteered their time to keep the club the awesome place that it is.
We all need to take the time to thank all of the Week Managers, Weekend OD’s, event
leaders, and all the support that those people had to make the efforts look so easy and so
seamless. Not to mention the members that volunteer to participate on the several
committees that it takes to ensure the club runs smoothly.
I am proud to have served under Commodore Brian McEvoy and with the 2015 Flag and
Directors. I feel that the team did a great job moving the club forward positioning ourselves for
the future. I can assure you that each and every person in the Boardroom put the club and
our membership’s needs ahead of their own while making the many decisions in front of them
each month.
Don’t forget the work parties. Bring a fellow member and work as a team to close her up for
the year. Commodore Brian McEvoy will start the work of rebuilding the bar as part of the two
closing week work parties. So come join us to be sure we are ready for the winter months.
See you at the work parties,
V/C Chuck Stroh
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