NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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Commodore’s Comments:
Commodore, Brian McEvoy
Thanks to all for coming tonight. We have a long meeting tonight with a lot of business to take
care of, so we will take a break at 8:00. Please keep your reports brief and to the point. Thank
Vice-Commodore’s Comments:
Vice Commodore, Chuck Stroh
I am disappointed with people not stepping up to run for office. We get great participation for
the opening and closing of the club, but we need more people to step up and run for board
positions. Please consider running for office.
Rear-Commodore’s Comments:
Rear Commodore, Pat Carroll
In the August Beacon, I gave comments on safety. Please keep in mind that everyone needs to
follow the rules. Please make sure that someone follows people back to their boats to make
sure they get back safely. We have had some people fall in the water, luckily no one has been
hurt so far.
Financial Report
Treasurer, Frank Corcoran
Revenue for the month of July was $29,113 and expenses were $20,426, with a profit of $8,687.
Year to date revenues of $242,381 are up $11,913 over last year; year to date expenses of
$124,601 are up only $8,222 from this time last year. The increase in year to date revenues is
primarily related to membership related revenues. Year to date profit as of July 31 stands at
$117,780. The cash position increased $63,000 since the beginning of the year and stands at
$154,000 at July 31, including $40,000 in the Cash Reserve account. The building loan
continues to decline under scheduled amortization payments, with the remaining principal
balance of $91,256 as of July 31.
Moved by PC Hugh Vestal to approve the financial report. Seconded by Don Reiss.
Motion Carried
ABYA Report:
P/C John Anderson
The August ABYA meeting at the Conger Bay Yacht Club was cancelled. The September ABYA
meeting will be held at the North Channel Yacht Club. Hosting the meeting for GLCC. It will be
held on September 14, 2015 at 7:30. Dinner will be served from 6 to 7 pm.