NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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A thank you card was received from PC Denise Huntly for the plant for her recent surgery.
A thank you card was received from Cindy Swan for the flowers for her recent surgery.
A thank you card was received from Darlene Wallace for the flowers for the passing of Bill.
Thank you cards were also received from PC Ardo Apigian and Marie Yowan.
A letter from PC Bill Hendricks asking the board to make a decision on the effective date of
membership. PC Bill also recommended that a spread sheet be created and added to the data
base to make it easier for the nominating committee to recruit.
Moved by Randy Pagel to have PC Bill Hendricks be the data base consultant.
Seconded by Brian Malik.
Motion Carried.
Discussion was held on the effective date of membership. PC Rick Romatz will take it to the by-
law committee for correct wording.
A request was made from Harbor View Yacht Club requesting to come to the Club in 2016. VC
Chuck Stroh will keep request until next year.
Proposal from Thurston Dean for a covered patio on the harbor side of the building.
A discussion was held on the feasibility of this project. It will be sent to the Forward Planning
Committee for review.
Activities - Kim Miedema
Summer of 2015 has been beautiful and a fun one. But, as expected, July was not a
huge revenue month. We totaled $718 in profit between the 4th of July, the Raft off
and Keans.
We are in great shape to meet our $9,080 goal though, with a year to date (8/12/15)
total of $5,906. August began with a nice surprise of $700 for the Captains
breakfast and $75 for Karaoke due to the great turnout. With the golf outing, smoke on
the water and the beer bust coming up, we should make our goal.
As always, thank everyone that has put on an event and participated in the events. It's
all about the fun, and it's the more the merrier!