NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6

A letter was received by Leslie Leitch from the Middle bass yacht club thanking the NCYC for a great weekend. A letter was received from the Club Capri restaurant requesting a poker run stop at the NCYC on August 28 th . Motion: Daryl Campbell Seconded: Bill Calihan Motion Carried


Activities - Brian Fringer

The concert net revenue was $3,130, net profit of $631. The golf outing activities report is not compete

Clubhouse - Scott Greenfelder A new contract with FIRST ENERGY was accepted resulting in a 2% energy cost reduction. A motion was

initiated for Scott Greenfelder for authorization to sign the contract. Motion: Scott Greenfelder Seconded: Tom Martin Motion Carried

Harbor & Grounds – Bill Calihan A thanks and thanks to Tom Stackhouse for doing a great job. A suggestion was made to add night time lights in the Robison to aid the FIN drivers on the moonless and foggy nights. Work/pay - a member who missed his assigned work weekend agreed to pay the $800.

Membership- Kim Miedema We have had several inquiries into membership. Two applications have been received, but only one application fee ytd.

Publications- Brent Malik No Report

Secretary – Tom Martin No report. Covered in correspondence.

Supplies- Ian Blackburn No Report

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