NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 6
Transportation – Darryl Campbell
All Fins have had their oil and filters changed. No. 3 Fin (Stanley) received an ignition module. No. 2 Fin (Mackie) required a cooling system repair. In a vain attempt to stop the spiders from carrying all three boats away they have been regularly sprayed. Fleet Captain - Glenn Nixon 29 boats have confirmed and 61 people have confirmed for St. Clair harbor rendezvous.
Topic # 1 : Bylaw change update: Motion to accept the draft of the proposed Bylaw changes as submitted by Rick Romatz. The changes will be publishes in an upcoming FAN-OUT Motion: Ian Blackburn Seconded: Randy Pagel Motion Carried Topic # 2: Rules changes update: A meeting is scheduled week of August 15 th to be chaired by Rick Romatz. 3. NEW BUSINESS Topic #1 2017 budget development: Frank Corcoran went over the process and the importance or correctly completing the 2017 budget. Topic #2 Nominating committee: The nominating committee supplied a list of potential board candidates, and the board will accept the list as submitted. The board will also send a note back to the nominating committee to get 2 more names for the potential board list. A special board meeting will be convened on August 29 th to review the new list. Motion: Ian Blackburn Seconded: Scott Greenfelder Motion Carried
Topic #3;
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