NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 9
Activities - Bob Carnaghi
The North Channel family has quite a few activities this year including The ABYA Dinner Dance on May 31. Chuck and Sandi has stepped up to host Kid's Day on June 14. They are requesting donations for the raffle. The Ancient Mariners are hosting the Horse Races once again. This will be on July 12 and they are also in need of donations. Terry Hart and Ron Currie will be hosting the Smoke out in September. If you would like to participate in the cooking, please contact Terry or Ron. We also have several incoming rendezvous this year. They include, Sand Point, Jefferson Yacht Club, Cleveland Yacht Club, and Nautical Mile Yacht Club. We are looking forward to hosting them and maybe even acquiring a few new members. There a few open weekends this year, so if you would like to sponsor an event, let me know. Good afternoon. Just five weeks ago the Elite Brigade came to the island to start the process of getting the island ready for the summer season. The teamwork was phenomenal. The First Mates made contributions of furniture in the Managers Apartment and the bar area. The bathroom in the Managers Apartment is now complete and we have redone the kitchen. A special thanks to Hytham and Nancy Aljida for supplying the cabinets in the kitchen. The First Mates and the Ancient Mariners have made significant contributions to the Manager Apartment project. Kerry Steinmacher went through all the fire extinguishers inside and outside and made sure they are all working. Hope everyone is pleased with the way the clubhouse looks. Have a great summer. Clubhouse - Rich Goodman
Harbor & Grounds – Don Reiss
Don welcomed all the new members. He thanked the membership for all of the work that was done at the work parties. The grounds look great thanks to all of you. I just wanted to let everyone know that there are now cleats out on the North Channel on the North East corner of the walkway. These cleats will be helpful for everyone to put there smaller boats out there on the wall if they don't fit in your well or when all wells are taken.
Membership- Brian Malik
Brian recapped the member dues. He indicated that we are about 15-20 members short of our goal. We had 10 members resign, 4 of who owed money for work or pay, two members were expelled, and one member passed away. Brian indicated some of the shortfall in funds was due to the reduction of the initiation fee from $1,100 to $750. This
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