NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 9
reduction is temporary, but it did bring in new members Discussion followed. Brian said that we have 151 boating members, 27 non boating members, and 55 senior members, which is 233 total paying members. We also have 30 junior members. Two members are on leave of absence. We have 9 new members, and 5 new junior members. Brian thanked Kim Miedema for help in getting the roster up to date.
Publications- Brent Malik
Brent thanked all of the members that advertised in the Beacon and the roster. Anyone interested in advertising in the Beacon should contact Brent. Brent also thanked Kim Miedema for her help with the roster. Thanks to the First Mates and the Ancient Mariners for giving an update for those clubs for the roster. Since this was his first time as an OD for the club, Brent wanted to thank his whole staff for all of their support.
Secretary – Randy Pagel
Randy thanked everyone for their cooperation in setting the summer work schedule. He appreciated all of the comments and suggestions that were provided to him. There are still some open slots for this summer. Help is needed for July 11, July 25, August 29, September 26, and October 3. Please contact Randy if you can help on any of those weekends. Supplies – Hugh Vestal Hugh thanked PC Bob and Patti Watson for all of their help in getting the club open. There a few changes at the bar this year. We have new lines for the wine tappers, this will make for a better tasting wine. We will have wine available by the bottle. Since there has been some questions about bar sales, Hugh passed out a flyer, and also put one on the bulletin board that details the bar sales. Hugh reminded everyone how to pour a correct drink. It is one full pour and then a little pour. Please do not do double or triple shots, that is where we lose money. According to the State of Michigan, we are able to let members who would like to bring in their own bottle of wine to do so. There will be a $15 corkage fee for each bottle brought into the clubhouse. Discussion followed.
Transportation – Pat Carroll
Welcome to the new members, and welcome back to our existing members. Fin I was sanded and painted this past winter, and a new control was put in to make the boat easier to operate. Please keep the boats clean, drive them like they are your own boats and they will last us a long time. Thank you.
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