NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 9
Fleet Captain - Ian Blackburn
We have three rendezvous set up this year. Club Island is July 18,19,20. It is an island swap, where we will go to their island and they will come to North Channel. There are 30 slips available and we now have 18 boats signed up. The second rendezvous will be to Milliken's Marina on August 15,16,17. We will be going to the Tigers game on the 16th. We have the whole marina of 28 wells. We have room for one more boat. The third rendezvous will be here at North Channel on September 19,20,21. It will be a casino night with chips for the various games. The chips will be included in the price of the rendezvous. Thanks to everyone who offered support for these rendezvous.
Topic # 1 By law Committee Activation: All membership categories need to be in the by-laws. The by-law committee will determine if we need to address the honorary membership status.
Topic # 2 First Mates: President Kathy Bell
Kathy Bell stated that the First Mates painted the managers apartment, put in a new floor in the kitchen and purchased a new couch for the living room. We also purchased a new couch for the bar area. The First Mates members approved another $2,000 for the new generator. That brings the total First Mates contribution for the generator to $7,000. Barb Vanover and Diane Marten are selling tickets for two gift baskets. This is a First Mates fund raiser and all of the money raised by the First Mates goes back into the club. Thank you
Topic #3 Ancient Mariners: President Archie Archibald
Archie reminded everyone that the North Channel Downs Horse Races will be held on July 12th. This event raised $12,000 last year to pay down the debt for the club. Archie explained how the races work to the new members. First prize will be a large screen TV. The Ancient Mariners purchased an original painting of Lake St Clair with a picture of the North Channel Clubhouse in the middle. The tickets will be $10 a square and only 100 tickets will be sold. Please see Sandy Bauer if you are interested in purchasing a ticket.
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