September Contents
From the Editor
3 5 7 9
Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore’s Comments Rear Commodore’s Comments
Chaplain Art Brooks Ancient Mariners
10 13 15 22 24 26 33
First Mates Mention and Notices NCYC Organizational Chart
Calendar of Events
Welcome New Members Rendezvous Schedule
Event Flyers 34 June 2017 Board of Directors Minutes 41 Old Club Reciprocity Policies 47 Member of Month 52
Event Photos
55 57 58 60 53
2017-2018 Weekday Managers
For Sale
Mainland Well Waiting List O.D. Weekend Work Schedule
From the Editor…
It seems so long ago the cover photo of the solar eclipse of August 21 was taken. So much happening at our club and in the world, time seems to be flying by. The photo was taken through the lens of the welding mask in our club garage, you can see the head strap blocking out part of the tower in the background of the flags, (it was so bright, I couldn’t see the head strap when I took it, sorry, I should have removed the strap.) Anyway it was a remarkable way to spend an afternoon.
Most recently we enjoyed Labor Day weekend at the club, or at least I hope you did, I was OD and I must say, the weekend went off without a hitch, and best of all the $$$ worked out well, I was $9 to the better after a scrupulous examination by our intrepid internal auditor. By the time I counted the money on Monday, I had been up 20 hours straight for 3 days in a row, so, all bets were off as far as I could tell. During the first months of the year, the workers assigned to Labor Day totaled only 8 hours of help. After a few months a few people volunteered but we were still critically short. Then, after many months of fretting, festering, wondering, worrying, brooding, and over-thinking, something remarkable happened. I think the Lord himself started nudging people my way and gave me the best crew I could have hoped for. I had an eclectic mix of long time members who knew all there is to know, mixed with several brand new members who were working at the club for the first time. It really was a great way for many people to get to know one another and I can honestly say I wouldn’t have changed a thing. I think I learned a little club secret as well. At the right times, other members who weren’t even on my schedule came out of the woodworking and jumped in to help. So many of you just showed up to help show us what and how to clean, where stuff is, extra hands on the Fin boats, bar stocking, Bell Ringing cashiers, etc, et al, and on and on. Pat put it best to me when he said, “Just think; all that festering for nothing”, he’d been telling me for months not to worry, and he was right. When the Lord made the people of North Channel Yacht Club, He pulled out the good stuff. Combined, you really are the 5th Force of Nature. Two moments stand out in my mind I want to share. On Sunday evening, I took a waking/dozing rest on the sectional in the kid’s room. I focused my mind on the sounds of individual people’s voices in the bar area. I could identify so many voices I recognized. The thing that stands out for me is the laughter. As I listened, I could hear various groups talking about something and then a Burst of Laughter would fill the room. It was laughter and fun and more laughter all night. As I lay there, the sound of all of your laughing made me very happy, I hope it did you too. The second stand out moment was when Lauren, Steve, and Jacob, our 3 paid bartenders very generously offered to share some of their tips with Shelby who suddenly became ill and couldn’t work. I think this gesture shows the very best in these young people and a special thanks to them. Thanks also to all of you who acted in my place as guardian and stand by assist for the Lovely & Gracious JeriLynn. We’re both so much more comfortable at NCYC than any other public place and your attention to her is much appreciated. We tried to list names of all who helped us, it started to look like the entire roster and we can’t leave anyone out so suffice it to say to all of you: Our most heartfelt THANK YOU ALL !!!
BlueSkies&Following Seas, Ron RonDraper Director, Publications North Channel Yacht Club
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Commodores Comments…
September is here. Where did the summer go? Fortunately, we still have quite a few fun filled weekends left this season for all of us to enjoy. I would like to thank all of our members who put on or helped put on an event this past summer. Your help in providing events for our club is greatly appreciated. This Saturday we have the September General Membership Meeting. One of the highlights of this meeting is the introduction of the 2017 NCYC candidates for our Flag, Board and Cash Reserve. I would personally like to thank each of the candidates for stepping up and being willing to devout their time and abilities to our club. Please take the time to talk to each of the candidates and familiarize yourself with them, after all, they are the future leaders of our club. Sunday evening we have the First Mates Boot, Scoot and Boogie Dinner and DJ. September 15th, Ray Fogg brings his PIB act to our island. Don’t miss this one. September 23rd is the annual Smoke Out. Our best Pitmasters battle it out to see who cooks the best ribs. It also showcases the culinary skills of our members in preparing and sharing their favorite dishes and appetizers. September 30th is the first Commodore’s Clays shoot at North Macomb Sportsman’s Club. Rounds of Trap, Skeet and 5 Stand will be followed by a steak dinner. More details to follow in the next few days. The weekend of October 6th, 7th and 8th is Haul Out weekend. Don’t miss the October General membership meeting on Saturday, where the winning candidates are announced. Saturday evening is the Haul Out Pajama Party with a dinner followed by entertainment by the Revivors. PJ’s are welcome if appropriate. On a sadder note, the weekends of October 14th and 21st are the fall work weekends where we prepare our island for another Michigan winter. Please come to our remaining events and enjoy a great September and October. You won’t regret it. Commodore Pat
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Vice Commodores Comments…
Believe it or not, it is September and we have a new slate of candidates for directors and Rear Commodore for next year. Let the campaigning begin. Please spend some time talking with the new candidates to get to know where they stand on issues and policies as it relates to improving our Club. It is hard to believe we have 6 weekends left before we close the Club for the winter. Where did the summer go? Let’s take advantage of the remaining time to enjoy our boating friends and enjoy are beautiful clubhouse and grounds. We had a great Pot Luck dinner on August 26th and a great First Mates Labor Day Flank steak dinner under the help and direction of Debbie Siwek and her daughters. Linda and I look forward to the annual Rib Cook off on September 23rd and then the Commodore’s Clay shoot on September 30th at North Macomb Sportsmen’s Club in Washington Twp.
As you can see we still have lots of things happening at NCYC. Please come out and enjoy the fall boating season.
V/C Randy Pagel
1973. Our grandparents went to Cape Cod and all we got was this super great beach house that’s still in the family in 2017.
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Rear Commodores Comments…
I can say with confidence that we have talented members at NCYC and they sure came out to entertain at the annual Karaoke event! What an evening -- it is definitely not your ordinary pub karaoke. This year we were honoured to be part of a fundraiser for the Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation and to have Jaybird and Trish as our KJ’s. I am thrilled to announce that as a Club we were able to raise $1,900 for this worthy cause. Thank you Frank Corcoran for organizing this event! Most importantly, thank you to everyone who generously donated to the foundation! Next up was the Ancient Mariners Meat Mania. Once again you had a chance to win a “full” meal, you just needed to fill your card and yell “HOTDOG”. We were also provided with a tasty Mexican meal and Margarita’s that packed a punch! Thank you PC John and Bev Anderson for an outstanding meal, Diane French for the meat and all the Ancient Mariners who helped put this event on. If you enjoy a display of power, the MacRay Rendezvous was for you. Seeing the planes from the past to the present gave us all an appreciation of how the aviation industry has developed. The food provided by MacRay’s was excellent and the drinks were cold and refreshing. Thank you PC Tom & Judy McHugh for organizing this Rendezvous. I am sure you are ready to pass on the torch. It has been said, that we never go hungry at NCYC, and the Pot Luck Dinner definitely kept in step. There was a large variety of delicious food and first-class camaraderie. There is nothing like everyone coming together to put on an event. A big “Thank You” is in order for the Swan’s, Pagel’s and their team for assisting in making this a success. The activities are far from over, we still have Labor Day weekend, which entails the PC Beer Bust and the First Mates Dinner. Next up is the Concert, Smoke on the Water, Commodores Clay Shot and wrapping up the year with Haul Out. Last but certainly not least, we have an excellent slate of candidates for the election. I would like to thank each and every one of them for stepping forward and being willing to volunteer their precious time to manage the affairs of the Club. Best of luck to all of you! RC/ Ian Blackburn
AMessage From ChaplainArtBrooks…
Notes from the Chaplain, Art Brooks Again this month, the membership appears to be in good condition. As of this writing, I have not been advised that any NCYC member is under the weather or that anyone has suffered a loss. From Proverbs 6:20 A passage that may have a special meaning to you. “My son, keep your father’s commands and do not forsake your mother’s teachings.” Many times we discount the wisdom of those who have preceded us in life who want to share their knowledge and wisdom they have learned either the hard way or from their predecessors. We can learn a lot from these faithful individuals. By doing this, we will then be confident in passing on to our children and grandchildren our wisdom and knowledge. We can especially teach them obedience to God by our actions.
In Praise of Autumn What can we say of Autumn That hasn’t long been said, When oaks put on their lovely cloaks In varied shades of red… And maples, not to be surpassed, Don orange and yellow crowns, While sassafras and cottonwoods Wear multi-colored gowns… The harvest lies by roadways, Bins overflow with yields, From far-flung farmyard acres Amid the burnished fields… Yes, all’s been said of Autumn, Yet it ever gives a yen To poetic hearts to scamper For paper and for pen !
By Virginia Borman Grimmer
WE WILL MEET OR BEAT Any Written Competitors Estimate * *Must be a registered repair facility Lochmoor Collision - valuable coupon
24 HOUR TOWING 586-709-4657
The August Luncheon there were 27 people there. The September 21st Steak Luncheon is at the Club at 1:00 P.M.
Fair Winds and Calm Seas Archie Archibald Ancient Mariners President.
Hi Ladies:
Our Labor Day Dinner was a big success with 198 for dinner and entertainment. Thank you, Debbie Siwek and all the First Mate Board. A special thanks goes out to the cooks, with Debbie's daughter counting every minute until the meat was cooked to perfection. Sandi Stroh has taken several loads in her car to the ALGONAC Food Pantry and we will continue through Haul-Out Weekend. Our next general meeting is October 7th, 10 a.m. Our Haul-Out Breakfast is Sunday, October 8. Ray Fog will be at our club Friday, September 15th, for a concert and dinner, and prices are dinner and concert $40, concert only $25. Any questions contact Jill Romatz at 586-265-7793. Now, our newly elected officers for 2008 are: President Josette Campbell Vice President Shelly Sweier Treasurer Sue Brooks Recording Secretary Norma Frame Corresponding Secretary Ellen Alcazar Josette Campbell, future president, will be announcing the rest of her board in the near future. Future dates to mark on your calendar are: Christmas Party, Tuesday, December 5, 2017 (see enclosed flyer for details.) 2018 Fashion Show, Sunday, May 6, 2018 Respectfully, Colleen Braun 2017 First Mates Publicity Director
NCYC First Mates Holiday Party Tuesday December 5, 2017 at Avante Banquet Hall 36217 S Gratiot Clinton Twp. MI 48035
Cocktails and appetizers at 5:30pm
Cost $35.00 per person Family and Friends of NCYC members are welcome
Raffle items are needed
Reservations contact:
Holiday Charity:
Diane French
Snowpile through
586-243-7039 or email RSVP by November 27
Children’s Hospital Contact Sue Brooks at
586-206-5085 or
All gifts should be brought the night of the event and unwrapped. Monetary donations are greatly appreciated for our Holiday Charity.
At the Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Toys & Games are also Good Medicine Thank you for your interest in donating to the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation. Play allows children to express how they are feeling, escape from daily stresses and socialize with others who may be experiencing similar situations. Developmentally appropriate toys and games are essential to providing children with opportunities for play. They serve an important therapeutic function by bringing a sense of joy and normalcy into the life of a hospitalized child. Individuals or groups can help by following these recommendations when donating toys. INFANT-TODDLER (newborn to 2 years) o Bouncy Seats and Swings o Crib Gyms o Fisher Price Aquarium
o Musical Stackers & Toy Sorters o Play Telephones o Playschool Busy Pop Ups o Push & Pull Toys o Rattles & Squeeze Toys o Sippy Cups o Tonka/Little Tykes Trucks & Cars
o Fisher Price Peek-a-Boo Blocks o HoMedics Lullaby Sound Spa o Infant Mirrors (no cloth pieces) o Lights & Sounds Interactive toys PRESCHOOL (3 to 5 years) o CD players & learning CD’s o DUPLO Blocks o Fisher Price Doctor Play Kits o Fisher Price Little People & Play Sets o Fisher Price Rescue Heroes Action Figures o Games: Memory, My First UNO, Sequence for Kids, etc. SCHOOL – AGE (6 to 10 years) o Action Figures o Barbie Dolls and Clothes o Craft Kits o Games: UNO, UNO Attack, Connect Four, Sorry, Guess Who, Trouble, Monopoly Jr., etc. o LEGO Sets/K’Nex Sets TEENAGE (11 to 16 years) o Bead/Jewelry Kits o CD players & CD’s (edited versions) o Craft Kits o DVD’s (rated PG & PG-13) o Games – Monopoly, UNO Attack, Skip-Bo, Battleship, etc. o Headphones/Earbuds o Model/Science Kits
o Hot Wheels Cars & Play Sets o Lights & Sounds Interactive Toys o Musical Push Button/Interactive Books
o Musical Toys/Rain Sticks o Play-Doh & Accessories o View Masters & Slides
o Magna Doodle/Etch-A-Sketch o My Little Pony o Puzzles o UNO Cards o Video Games (Hand-held): 20 Questions, Yahtzee, UNO Simon, Connect Four, etc. o Nail & Hair Care Items o New Sports/Teen Magazines o Scrapbook Supplies o Sketch Pads & Art Supplies o Video Games Hand-held:
20 Questions, Battleship, Tetris, Connect 4, etc.
o Word Searches
ALL AGES o “I Spy” or “Look and Find” Books o Batteries (AAA, AA, C, D, 9V) o Bubbles o CD’s (edited versions) o Character/Children’s Band-Aids (LATEX FREE ONLY) o Children’s Books & Magazines o Craft Kits o Crayola Crayons, Markers, & Colored Pencils o Disposable Cameras o DVD’s (rated G, PG, & PG-13)
o HoMedics Sound Spas o Jewelry, Beads, Sand Art, Crayola Art Sets o Journals & Gel Pens o Nerf Basketballs/Footballs o Paper plates for crafts/painting o Personal CD Players & Headphones
o Push Button Musical Books o Sandwich Size Ziploc bags o School Supplies o Small Radios/CD players o Bandanas/Scarves o Stickers
Barnes & Noble
Best Buy
iTunes Michaels Toys R Us
Meijer Target
Movie Theatres
Reminders: • SAFETY is the most important consideration when selecting toys. • NO USED ITEMS PLEASE. We only accept NEW toys, games, books, and stuffed animals. • Because some of our patients have acute illnesses, donors are not allowed to personally distribute gifts directly to patients. • Violent games and books, toy guns, swords and projectile toys are not accepted. • Please refrain from donating candy, food, glow items or religious materials. • Many of the patients have allergies or asthma so chalk/sidewalk chalk is not accepted. • Due to safety recalls, please avoid dollar store items. • Please DO NOT wrap gifts. • Arts & craft materials must have the non-toxic seal (AP, CP, health label Non-Toxic). • Crayons MUST BE Crayola or Rose Art brand. • Some children are sensitive to natural rubber latex, please: o Buy only specific name brands whenever possible. o Do not donate items known to contain natural rubber latex including, but not limited to, rubber balloons, Koosh balls, rubber stamps, rubber balls, rubber erasers, paddles with rubber balls attached, etc. o Only mylar balloons and vinyl items are permitted. • Monetary donations should be directed to the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation Child Life Toy Fund for the purchase of toys.
NCYC Membership
Commodore Pat Carroll
Commodore Past Chuck Stroh
Commodore Vice Randy Pagel
Commodore Rear
Darryl Transportation Campbell
Fleet Captain
Grounds Harbor & Bill Calihan
Scott Clubhouse Greenfelder
McHugh P/C Tom
Brian Fringer
Ron Draper
Glenn Nixon
Kim Miedema
Dale Hall
Tom Martin
Committee Finance
Committee Insurance Commodore Pat Carroll
Procedures Guidelines & Committee P/C Rick Romatz
Planning Forward Committee Blackburn R/C Ian
Committee Reserve Fund
Committee Nominating P/C Brian McEvoy
Committee By Laws
Brian Fringer
Glenn Nixon
P/C Chuck Stroh
Leslie Leitch Rendezvous Incoming
Arms Sergeant-at-
Officer Safety
Recorder Board
Youth Directors Greg & Amy Wojtalik
Ann Malik Sue Mile Surgeons Fleet
Co. LLC Bultynck &
Don Ruma
Art Brooks
Ben Carroll
Russ Adams
NCYC Photographer Membership
Major Sargent
Pins Burgees & Judy McHugh Manager
P/C Chuck Stroh Delegate ABYA
Manager Clubhouse
IT Officer
P/C Bill Hendricks
Scott Bell
Dick Raymond
North Channel Yacht Club 2017 Calendar of Events January 21 Commodore’s Ball February 3, 4, 5 Edgerly/Malik Snowmobile Trip March 12 Blessing of the Fleet at Mariner’s Church March 10 - 12 ABYA Spring Rendezvous Midland April 15 Elite Brigade April 22 Elite Brigade April 29 Elite Brigade May 6 Elite Brigade May 7 FASHION SHOW May 13 First Spring Work Party May 20 First Spring Work Party May 26 – 29 Opening Weekend Fitting Out (OD: B. Fringer) 27 First Mates Patio Party General Membership Meeting 1:00 PM Fitting Out Dinner – TBD 28 Pride of Michigan Flag Raising Ceremony 1:00 PM Complimentary Luncheon following Ceremony Father Steve Blessing of the Fleet 3:00 PM June 3 ABYA Dinner Dance (OD: P/C Stroh) June 9 – 11 CIGAR/WHISKEY/WINE TASTING (OD: D. Shepperson) DON RUMA June 11 – 16 Ladies Week Carroll/McHugh June 16 – 18 RENDEZVOUS ALGONAC HARBOR CLUB (OD: P/C Dickson) June 22 ANCIENT MARINERS LUNCHEON 1:00 AT CLUB June 23 -25 Kid’s Weekend GREG (OD: Lockhart) June 30 – July 2 OPEN (OD: Nixon) Fourth of July Celebration
North Channel Yacht Club 2017 Calendar of Events July 7- 9 OPEN (OD: Martin) (fireworks in Lexington) July 9 – 14 Commodore’s Cruise to Mac inaw Island July 14 – 16 JULY 20 (OD:Miedema) ANCIENT MARINERS LUNCHEON 1:00 AT CLUB July 21 – 23 CHRISTMAS IN JULY (OD: Corcoran) TURKEY DINNER July 28 – 30 FLOAT DOWN (OD: B. Carroll, K. Verkest) BOB /JOHN August 4 – 6 OPEN (OD: R/C Blackburn) August 11 – 13 OPEN (OD: Calihan) August 12 Ancient Mariner’s Meat Mania AUGUST 17 ANCIENT MARINERS LUNCHEON 1:00 AT CLUB August 18 – 20 RENDEZVOUS (OD: Campbell) MACRAY HARBOR - THUNDERBIRDS AIRSHOW August 25 – 27 POT LUCK Swan/Pagel (OD: V/C Pagel) September 1 – 4 Labor Day Weekend (OD: Draper) 2 General Membership Meeting 1:00 PM Meet the Candidates P/C Beer Bust after Meeting hot dogs/hamburgers 3 First Mates Dinner September 8 – 10 OPEN (OD: P/C McEvoy) September 11 ABYA GMM First Mates Dinner September 15 – 17 (OD: P/C Romatz) RAY FOGG CONCERT ON FRIDAY, 15TH SEPTEMBER 21 ANCIENT MARINERS LUNCHEON 1:00 AT CLUB September 22 – 24 SMOKE ON THE WATER BBQ COOK OFF (OD: Latowski) GLICK/HART September 30 Commodore’s Clays Competition at NMSC (OD: Greenfelder) October 6 – 8 Haul Out Weekend (OD: Hall) 7 General Membership Meeting 1:00 PM 7 Haul Out Dinner 8 First Mates Haul Out Breakfast October 14 Fall Work Party October 21 Fall Work Party
DINNER 6:00 PM Baked Chicken * Meatballs w/gravy * Mac & Cheese * Red Skins * Vegetable * Michigan Cherry Salad * Dessert (served by Achatz) $18.00/Adults $9.00/Kids-12 and under
ENTERTAINMENT BY “The Revivors”@7:30 P.M. Please wear your p.j.’s ( appropriate please )
RESERVATIONS TO: Judy McHugh (586) 206- 6620 or Please mail check to: Judy McHugh 29310 S. Seaway Ct., Harrison Twp., MI 48045
Members, please support our advertisers…
Welcome New NCYC Members
Welcome New NCYC Junior Members
Welcome Newest NCYC Members
Welcome New NCYC Junior Members
Russ & Jenn Greenfelder 32 Carver
Pat & Brigida Sullivan Liquid Tranquility 34 Tiara
Some Newest of the New Member Info; Please Welcome:
Kim & Tony Scicluna - We have seen Kim & Tony at the club through the years visiting as a Board member of the ABYA and with JYC. She came to ladies week as a guest of Irene Martin. Kim retired from Blue Cross and Tony works in Artificial intelligence (cool stuff-soon to retire too!) They live on a canal in St. Clair Shores. The boat is Big Fun - a 31 Rinker. They spend lots of time with their grandkids too! Janis & Dominic Degregory- This couple loved the Steak and Lobster dinner so much they joined! Thanks to our new member Kathy Hickey for bringing them over as a guest. They live on Park Lane in the Algonac canal area. They have a 32 Sunsation Dominator that they might be trading in soon for a cruiser. Janis is a local Real Estate Broker and Dominic works in infrastructure construction for Consumers Energy. Their daughter Samantha also joined as a Junior member! Russ & Jenn Greenfelder - The name may be familiar - he is our Club House Director's nephew. They enjoyed our Open House and decided to join us. They are looking forward to starting the trend to have young kids enjoying the club. They have a beautiful 5 year old daughter Ryleigh. Russ is in the HVAC business. Jenn is also busy - taking on a new job. They live in Harrison Twp and have a 32 Carver. Pat & Brigida (pronounced like the actress Gina lollobrigida) Sullivan - Our newest members as of this morning. Pat retired from General Dynamics and Brigida from teaching. They got to experience living in Madrid Spain for Pat's last assignment. They have a beautiful home on Harsens Island, but their primary address in in Cape Coral Florida. We warned them that there are a lot of us wintering in Florida.. they may make year-round friendships by joining this club. They also get to "join" the Tiara club as they boat in a 34 Tiara Pursuit. They have 4 kids and 8 grandchildren and see the family often.
NCYCMEMBERS: THISCERTIFICATE IS TOBEGIVEN TOA BOATINGFRIENDWHOMAYWANT TO JOINTHE NCYC IN2018: I, (member name)____ invite you (guest name)_____ and your first mate, to be my guest at the NCYC to enjoy the Club on the weekend of ( month, date, 2017) With the payment of dockage on Friday night ($2.00 per foot) you are invited to stay Saturday night at no charge. We hope you will find our Island Treasure to be an enjoyable place that you may want to join with your family. Please check out for more information on membership. **Party weekends are excluded (Labor Day, Haul Out, etc.) Please remember guests must come with their sponsors and only one coupon is allowed per boat
Guest contact information:
Mailing address: Street _____________________________________________________________ City and zip ________________________________________________________
Phone number? ____________________
NCYC staff – please add completed form to Binder in drawer at the bar.
He who has a thing to sell and Wispers in a Well, Is Not so apt to get the $Dollars$ As he who Climbs a Tree and Hollers !
Advertise with Us Support your Club and your Business Contact Ron Draper Director of Publications NCYC
North Channel Yacht Club Board of Directors - Regular Meeting 20 July 2017
Call to Order Commodore, Pat Carroll Commodore Pat Carroll called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held at North Channel Yacht Club. Roll Call Commodore, Pat Carroll, for Secretary, Glenn Nixon F LAG O FFICERS Present Absent Commodore Pat Carroll Vice Commodore Randy Pagel Rear Commodore Ian Blackburn D IRECTORS Transportation Darryl Campbell Harbor & Grounds Bill Calihan EXCUSED Activities Tom Martin Treasurer Brian Fringer Publications Ron Draper Secretary Glenn Nixon Membership Kim Miedema Supplies Dale Hall Club House Scott Greenfelder EXCUSED I MMEDIATE P AST C OMMODORE P/C Chuck Stroh EXCUSED A PPOINTED P OSITIONS Fleet Captain P/C Tom McHugh Board Recorder Don Ruma All MOTION: Moved by Darryl Campbell and seconded by Brian Fringer to approve the agenda. Motion Carried Approval of Meeting Minutes All MOTION: Moved by Darryl Campbell and seconded by TomMartin to approve the 8 June 2017 Board Meeting Minutes. Motion Carried Commodore’s Comments Commodore, Pat Carroll Kim did a great job with the recruitment weekend; the results are coming in, and it looks very good. We’re in the ninth week out of twenty; everything seems to be moving along well. We have Christmas in July this weekend, the Float Down next weekend, Karaoke the weekend after that, and we have Meat Mania coming up after that. Let’s make sure we get everyone to participate in these events, and have everyone enjoy themselves. This is the time of year that most of the hard work is done, and it’s time to have a good time. Pledge of Allegiance All Approval of Agenda
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
20 July 2017
Page 2 of 5
Vice-Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore, Randy Pagel The Commodore’s Cruise to Mackinac Island was a great time. We had approximately 18 NCYC boats arriving at different times to the island. The Mackinac Harbor was a little bit of a challenge for a couple days with the wind coming out of the east. Still, we enjoyed good food, drinks and camaraderie. It’s hard to believe we are approaching the last week in July. It’s time to think of people to nominate for the Board. I would encourage all of us to look for members that you feel would be Board of Director material. Give that name to the Nominating Committee Chairman, P/C Brian McEvoy, or one of his committee members. P/C Brian has to present the slate to our Board next month. Please continue to support your club and look for new opportunities to invite perspective newmembers, and encourage current members to come out and enjoy our club. Rear-Commodore’s Comments Rear Commodore, Ian Blackburn I would like to point out that in the short time since our last board meeting, we have had: 8 events, 4 incoming poker runs, numerous incoming rendezvous, 6 ODs and 6 weekday managers. These activities do not happen on their own, and I just want to shout out to all the members that have volunteered to make all this happen! Thank you. Financial Report Treasurer, Brian Fringer The financial report was distributed via e-mail prior to the meeting and summarized. June 2017 revenue was $ 29,500 and expenses were $ 31,800 for a net loss of $ 2300. The year to date comparison to last year shows we are only $ 3000 under which is timing related since we are on a cash basis. Directors need to watch their bank accounts to avoid overdraft fees. One entry, a food bill for an event, will need to be reclassified since it was not for bar food. A new GL category needs to be created. MOTION: Moved by Tom Martin and seconded by Darryl Campbell to approve the Financial Report. Motion Carried ABYA Report P/C Chuck Stroh Absent - No Report. Correspondence All Bob Gable from Grosse Isle Yacht Club would like to bring 4-5 boats in on 14-16 August. MOTION: Moved by R/C Ian Blackburn and seconded by Dale Hall to allow Grosse Isle Yacht Club to visit with 4-5 boats on 14-16 August. Motion Carried Kevin Reader requested to visit the club with a Special Olympics Poker Run with 50 boats (125 people) on 16 August from 2-3 PM. The week manager will require help. MOTION: Moved by Kim Miedema and seconded by Brian Fringer to allow a Special Olympics Poker Run with 50 boats on 16 August from 2-3 PM. Motion Carried The Michigan Boating Association has requested donations for a Political Action Committee (PAC) that supports candidates for state and local offices that share boating concerns and are sensitive to the expansion of recreational boating opportunities. The request will be posted in the next Beacon. Denny Corby, a comedy / magic entertainer, is available to perform at events.
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
20 July 2017
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Club Capri has requested to visit the club on Sunday, 27 August, for a poker run with 50-75 people. MOTION: Moved by R/C Ian Blackburn and seconded by Ron Draper to allow Club Capri to visit the club for a Poker Run with 50-75 people on 27 August. Motion Carried Tim Grennan asked that Windsor Yacht Club be allowed to visit the club on 11-13 August with 4-6 boats. MOTION: Moved by V/C Randy Pagel and seconded by Brian Fringer to allow Windsor Yacht Club to visit the club with 4-6 boats on 11-13 August. Motion Carried I. CURRENT BUSINESS Activities – Tom Martin There have been no losing activities this year; the profit to the club is $2097 so far. P/C John Dixon has asked that the first dock on the Sni, at the end of A-Dock, remain open this weekend to facilitate loading and unloading for the Float Down. MOTION: Moved by R/C Ian Blackburn and seconded by Darryl Campbell to reserve the dock on the northeast corner of the Sni, at the end of A-Dock, to facilitate loading and unloading for the Float Down on Saturday, 29 July. Motion Carried Club House – Scott Greenfelder Absent - No Report. Harbor & Grounds – V/C Randy Pagel for Bill Calihan The zero-degree mower has been repaired and will be back on the island in a couple days. A portion of one of the trees came down in the wind storm, and we need a larger chain saw to cut it up. The Board discussed the need to plan to top all of the willows to protect them over the next couple years. Membership – Kim Miedema Documented approval of new members that were approved via e-mail votes: MOTION: Moved by Kim Miedema and seconded by V/C Randy Pagel to approve Otto and Virginia Isbill as new members. Motion Carried MOTION: Moved by KimMiedema and seconded by Darryl Campbell to officially accept Dominic and Janis DeGregory as new members. Motion Carried MOTION: Moved by Kim Miedema and seconded by Brian Fringer to officially accept Tony and Kim Sicuna as new members. Motion Carried Approval of new members that were recently interviewed: MOTION: Moved by Kim Miedema and seconded by Ron Draper to accept Russell and Jennifer Greenfelder as new members. Motion Carried New member applications received that still require interviews: Gill & Kristin Palmer and Glenn & Jennifer Franklin. The Membership Drive went well; the club looked great, and the band was fantastic. There were 15 overnight guests, 3 new applications, about a dozen tours, and the expenses for the band, food and basket of cheer were covered by the proceeds of the event.
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
20 July 2017
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Publications – Ron Draper The Rosters were mailed out. Future consideration needs to distribution and spare Rosters. It was recommended that next year we consider preselling Rosters. Cost was approximately $11.24 each this year. Also, we could consider publishing rosters without member contact information for sale in the Boatique. There was discussion that people on the waiting list should receive the Beacon. There are fewer advertisers this year, and we need suggestions to find more advertisers. It was suggested that we put a flyer together to show visitors what’s around; it could include local restaurants, and we could charge a nominal fee for them to advertise. Secretary – Glenn Nixon Absent – No Report. Supplies – Dale Hall We’re up just over 7% in sales for the first 16 weeks. We have increased in all categories, except for popcorn. The new popcorn is expected by the end of July. Transportation – Darryl Campbell No Report. Fleet Captain – P/C Tom McHugh Approximately 50 people attended the Commodore’s Cruise and had a great time. Christmas in July will be at the club this weekend. The MacRay Rendezvous is coming up on 18-20 August. There are still wells available, but they have been opened up to the public. The Old Club Fleet Captain contacted Tom and discussed our reciprocal agreement. Our members are only allowed to visit the Old Club on a reciprocal basis during the week. Weekend visits must be pre-planned by anyone visiting the Old Club, including their members. Additionally, it is important that visitors understand the rules of the Old Club and present themselves appropriately. The Old Club rules and policies will we summarized in the Beacon and posted on the board so that our membership is better informed of what’s expected when they visit the Old Club. II. OLD BUSINESS Incoming Rendezvous: The Put-In-Bay Yacht Club asked to visit NCYC with 5 boats on 3-5 August. The Board discussed that there are several others will be visiting in that time frame, and there is need to preserve well for our own membership. MOTION: Moved by Tom Martin and seconded by Ron Draper to deny the request from Put-In-Bay Yacht Club to visit NCYC on 3-5 August. Motion Carried
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
20 July 2017
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III. NEW BUSINESS By-Law Revisions:
Commodore, Pat Carroll, has asked that Secretary, Glenn Nixon, schedule a meeting with the By-Law Committee to initiate and review changes to the NCYC By-Laws so that they can be presented to the Membership on Labor Day. Policy Revisions: Any new recommendations for policy changes should be done in the same timeframe as the By-Law Revisions so that the Board can approve them. Accident: Last week a female visitor tripped and fell on the dock. She landed on her shoulder. An ambulance was called and arrived on the paramedics arrived on the island by dinghy. The visitor was transported to Mt. Clemens General Hospital and was treated for a broken shoulder. She returned to the island and remained for a couple days before departing. For the purpose of awareness, it is possible that a claim may hit our insurance. There was discussion and a suggestion that a policy be established to prepare an accident report. Member of the Month None identified. Good of the Order R/C Ian Blackburn requested that a spaghetti dinner be held on Saturday of Karaoke Weekend and that the profits from the dinner be donated to the Wounded Warriors, the same foundation that the karaoke disc jockey supports. MOTION: Moved by R/C Ian Blackburn and seconded by Kim Miedema to donate the profits from the spaghetti dinner to the Wounded Warriors. Motion Carried Adjournment MOTION: Moved by R/C Ian Blackburn and seconded by Brian Fringer to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Next Meeting Date and Time: Thursday, 10 August 2017, 7:00 p.m. Location: North Channel Yacht Club.
This month we wish to recognize John Sweier for his work on completing the new door for walk-in cooler access. John spent several hours installing the latching mechanism, weather stripping, and entry threshold to complete the project. He also painted the entry doors to the clubhouse among many other things while working as week manager. Submitted by Frank Corcoran.
CYC Snowbirds Contacts
To add your contact info send Ron an email JUST CLICK HERE
Boats leaving The Old Club for less than six hours may leave their dock lines, electric cables etc. and consider the space occupied provided the Dockmaster or the Manager is notified before leaving. Fishermen and high powered boats starting out early in the morning and or coming in late at night shall refrain from racing motors or making any unnecessary noise. Wave runners are allowed in the harbors at The Old Club. Operation must be at idle speed only. Dockage arrangements must be made through the Manager or Dockmaster. MISCELLANEOUS - Ice - For ice, please call the Front Desk at 810-748-9931. Loss of Property - The Club shall not be responsible for the loss of property from sleeping apartments, cottages, and or boats occupied by members or guests, or for any loss sustained in the Clubhouse by members or guests or from cars parked on the grounds and property. Parking - When parking cars, please protect our lawns and grounds by using the designated parking areas. No trailers are allowed at any time. Teen Room - On Saturday night the teen room is for children not participating in dinner or activities with parents. All children’s activity shall be confined to the Teen Room. The clubhouse beyond the reception desk shall be off limits to children unless accompanied by a parent. Dogs - Dogs shall be on a leash and attended at all times except at your residence or on your boat. No dog shall be allowed inside the Clubhouse, the Ritz, or any Club sleeping facility. Dogs are not allowed in the swimming pool area. The dog relief area is on the West portion of the island between the trap range and the maintenance building and between the driveway and seawall thereof. Also, on the west side of Philippine Island between the driveway and seawall thereof. Cellular Phones/Pagers - Use of cellular phones and audible pagers are not permitted in the Clubhouse except at porch area by swimming pool. Barbeques - Barbeques are not allowed on general Club grounds when the Clubhouse is open. Emergency - If a medical or fire emergency exists, police, fire and EMS can be summoned by dialing 9-911 on any house phone. (Remember - When using a Clubhouse dedicated line, you must dial 9-911. When using a private residential line dial 911.) After making 911 report, please contact the front office .
and House Rules _____________________________________________ WELCOME TO THE OLD CLUB - Our warmest welcome to you. This pocket guide has been prepared to help acquaint you with the club procedures and policies to make your visit as pleasant as possible. REGISTRATION - Upon entering The Old Club, a guest is required to register his or her name and the names of all the people in their party. This can be done at the main desk in the clubhouse in person or by phone. Guest cards, if not previously provided, can be picked up at the front desk and are necessary for purchases at the club. It is further requested that adult children of members, guests, relatives, or other persons accompanying a member or a members’ guest to the Club, be properly registered and be issued a courtesy card to identify them for service and security purposes. Outside Party guests -A facility fee of $25 per person per night will be charged to your account. Billing -You will be sent a monthly statement for your stay at The Old Club at the beginning of each month. Please remit a check once received. If you choose to have your credit card charged there will be a 3.9% handling fee associated with the transaction. If we do not receive a check, any balance forward will automatically be charged to the credit card we have on file. Strict adherence to all Club rules is required of all members and guests
THE OLD CLUB 9900 South Channel Drive Harsens Island, MI 48028 Phone: 810-748-9931 – Fax 810-748-3579
Shirts are required to be worn on Club grounds except within the fenced pool area where swimsuit attire is appropriate. Swim wear with cover-ups are allowed in the River Bar before 5:00 p.m.. Shirt and cover-ups are required to be worn to and from the pool area. Inappropriate attire is not allowed in the Clubhouse at any time during the season for Members, their families, or their guests. This includes blue jeans, collarless t-shirts, swimming attire, and tank tops. Gentlemen and male children must remove their hats before entering the Clubhouse except on designated theme nights. SMOKING POLICY Smoking is prohibited at anytime in the club house and any location food service is offered. There is a no smoking policy in the Ritz Hotel and the pool enclosure. SERVICE CHARGE - A service charge will be added to all food and beverage checks. No other departments are included in the service charge system. No member or family member shall join in any subscription for the benefit of any employee of the Club that has not been authorized by the House Committee or the Board of Directors. SWIMMING POOL - An attendant will be in charge of the swimming pool and all outdoor game equipment and will be ready to render any assistance wherever possible. This attendant is not a babysitter. Please do not leave young children unattended. All persons are required to shower before using the pool. TENNIS - Three clay tennis courts are located on the Club grounds for your enjoyment. Appropriate tennis attire must be worn on the courts at all times. Shirts or jackets are required. Tennis shoes are the only approved type of foot apparel. Complete rules for the Courts are posted at the courts. GOLF - The golf course and putting green are available for your use at no additional charge. Golf balls may be purchased at the front desk. Wooden tees must be used and are available at the front desk. A limited number of clubs and putters are also available at the front desk. TRAP - Trap shooting is available by appointment. Contact the front desk to make your reservation. There is a $20 charge per round for this activity. HARBOR RULES - The front harbor shall be reserved for boats registered for 50' or more in length. Exceptions may be made by the General Manager. No reservations are accepted for guest dockage. Dockage is on a first come basis. Guest dockage is $2.25 per foot per night.
DINING ROOM - RIVER BAR May 20th-June 29th:
Members desiring box lunches for fishing parties will be accommodated if a request is made at the Clubhouse before 6:00 p.m. the previous evening. There will be a service charge for each meal served outside the Clubhouse. Bartenders and waitresses for private cocktail parties may be provided by the Manager for a service charge including regular gratuity. Special orders for hors d'oeuvres may be arranged with the Manager at least 24 hours in advance unless such special orders conflict with Club operations on heavily attended weekends. ATTIRE - At a time when life styles have become more informal, the Club has moved to accommodate these changes. To assist Members and Guests, the following are attire classifications and how they apply to Club events and grounds. If you see an infraction of the dress code, please refrain from commenting and simply notify the General Manager. Dining Areas Standard attire for the dining room on most Saturdays evenings includes slacks and a collared shirt (no shorts) for men. Men are welcome to wear a jacket and tie. Jackets may be removed after 9 p.m.. Ladies standard attire includes dresses, dress slacks, skirts and pant suits (no shorts). Casual wear is permitted in the Clubhouse during the day and is suitable in the Dining and Grill Room in the evening, Monday through Friday and on Sunday. On Saturday evenings casual wear is permitted only in the Grill Room for dining and in the River Bar after 8:00 p.m. with one exception; shorts are not allowed in the clubhouse on formal evenings. Casual wear includes club shorts and collared shirts; it does not include pool attire, jeans, t-shirts or tank tops. Shoes must always be worn in the Clubhouse. Formal attire is designated for Special Event evenings, men are requested to wear a jacket and tie, or black tie optional when indicated on the roster or calendar. Theme nights are designated in the calendar and attire appropriate to the theme is encouraged. On Saturday nights children over the age of six (6) must adhere to the dress code. The exception is for those children who are participating in activities in the teen room. The dress codes above may be modified at the sole discretion of the Commodore or Vice Commodore for any given evening. Clubhouse and Grounds Casual wear is permitted in the Clubhouse during the day. Dress jeans are acceptable in the Clubhouse on pre and post season dates as indicated in the calendar. Shoes must be worn in the Clubhouse at all times.
Breakfast: Monday-Friday…………………………………………..CLOSED Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays…………………....8:00-11:00 am Lunch: Monday-Wednesday…………………………………….CLOSED Thursday-Sunday and Holidays……………………12:00-3:00 pm Dinner: Monday-Wednesday…………………………………….CLOSED Thursday, Friday, Sunday and Holidays……….…...6:00-9:00 pm *Saturday…………………………………….…….7:00-10:00 pm Dinner: Monday-Thursday…………………………………...6:00-9:00 pm Friday…………………………………………..…...6:00-10:00 pm *Saturday…………………………………………...7:00-10:00 pm Sundays and Holidays……………………………….6:00-9:00 pm *With prior arrangements, Breakfast can be served for private parties. **Dinner will be served in the Grill Room as well as the Main Dining Room every Saturday night. Please check with the front desk for the attire on any given evening. Reservations for dinner are required to ensure the appropriate level of service and essential for Friday and Saturday nights, Sunday Brunches and Holiday Weekends. The Club will make every effort to serve you without reservations but will appreciate your patience during busy time periods. Please call the club office at (810) 748-9931 or e-mail at for reservations. Please take time to cancel reservations when necessary. To avoid duplication, please let us know of other club members who will be in your party. Saturday evening reservations will be accepted for seating between the hours of 6:30—10:00 pm. Please be prompt. On Saturday nights, The Old Club dining room is reserved for the enjoyment of our members and guests. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult and dressed appropriately as listed in the club calendar and roster. Adults are requested to have children refrain from dancing on formal events and any other Saturday evenings after 9:30 pm, as well as going back and forth to the dining room. It is intended that Saturday night be adult time and parents are asked to plan accordingly. Food, Alcoholic Beverages or other refreshments shall be served by Club employees, from Club facilities only, except on boats, at private residences and sleeping rooms. Due to state law no alcoholic beverages of any quantity or nature shall be brought on to the Club premises and consumed thereon except that purchased from the Club . July 1st-September 11th
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