At the Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Toys & Games are also Good Medicine Thank you for your interest in donating to the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation. Play allows children to express how they are feeling, escape from daily stresses and socialize with others who may be experiencing similar situations. Developmentally appropriate toys and games are essential to providing children with opportunities for play. They serve an important therapeutic function by bringing a sense of joy and normalcy into the life of a hospitalized child. Individuals or groups can help by following these recommendations when donating toys. INFANT-TODDLER (newborn to 2 years) o Bouncy Seats and Swings o Crib Gyms o Fisher Price Aquarium
o Musical Stackers & Toy Sorters o Play Telephones o Playschool Busy Pop Ups o Push & Pull Toys o Rattles & Squeeze Toys o Sippy Cups o Tonka/Little Tykes Trucks & Cars
o Fisher Price Peek-a-Boo Blocks o HoMedics Lullaby Sound Spa o Infant Mirrors (no cloth pieces) o Lights & Sounds Interactive toys PRESCHOOL (3 to 5 years) o CD players & learning CD’s o DUPLO Blocks o Fisher Price Doctor Play Kits o Fisher Price Little People & Play Sets o Fisher Price Rescue Heroes Action Figures o Games: Memory, My First UNO, Sequence for Kids, etc. SCHOOL – AGE (6 to 10 years) o Action Figures o Barbie Dolls and Clothes o Craft Kits o Games: UNO, UNO Attack, Connect Four, Sorry, Guess Who, Trouble, Monopoly Jr., etc. o LEGO Sets/K’Nex Sets TEENAGE (11 to 16 years) o Bead/Jewelry Kits o CD players & CD’s (edited versions) o Craft Kits o DVD’s (rated PG & PG-13) o Games – Monopoly, UNO Attack, Skip-Bo, Battleship, etc. o Headphones/Earbuds o Model/Science Kits
o Hot Wheels Cars & Play Sets o Lights & Sounds Interactive Toys o Musical Push Button/Interactive Books
o Musical Toys/Rain Sticks o Play-Doh & Accessories o View Masters & Slides
o Magna Doodle/Etch-A-Sketch o My Little Pony o Puzzles o UNO Cards o Video Games (Hand-held): 20 Questions, Yahtzee, UNO Simon, Connect Four, etc. o Nail & Hair Care Items o New Sports/Teen Magazines o Scrapbook Supplies o Sketch Pads & Art Supplies o Video Games Hand-held:
20 Questions, Battleship, Tetris, Connect 4, etc.
o Word Searches
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