From the Editor…
It seems so long ago the cover photo of the solar eclipse of August 21 was taken. So much happening at our club and in the world, time seems to be flying by. The photo was taken through the lens of the welding mask in our club garage, you can see the head strap blocking out part of the tower in the background of the flags, (it was so bright, I couldn’t see the head strap when I took it, sorry, I should have removed the strap.) Anyway it was a remarkable way to spend an afternoon.
Most recently we enjoyed Labor Day weekend at the club, or at least I hope you did, I was OD and I must say, the weekend went off without a hitch, and best of all the $$$ worked out well, I was $9 to the better after a scrupulous examination by our intrepid internal auditor. By the time I counted the money on Monday, I had been up 20 hours straight for 3 days in a row, so, all bets were off as far as I could tell. During the first months of the year, the workers assigned to Labor Day totaled only 8 hours of help. After a few months a few people volunteered but we were still critically short. Then, after many months of fretting, festering, wondering, worrying, brooding, and over-thinking, something remarkable happened. I think the Lord himself started nudging people my way and gave me the best crew I could have hoped for. I had an eclectic mix of long time members who knew all there is to know, mixed with several brand new members who were working at the club for the first time. It really was a great way for many people to get to know one another and I can honestly say I wouldn’t have changed a thing. I think I learned a little club secret as well. At the right times, other members who weren’t even on my schedule came out of the woodworking and jumped in to help. So many of you just showed up to help show us what and how to clean, where stuff is, extra hands on the Fin boats, bar stocking, Bell Ringing cashiers, etc, et al, and on and on. Pat put it best to me when he said, “Just think; all that festering for nothing”, he’d been telling me for months not to worry, and he was right. When the Lord made the people of North Channel Yacht Club, He pulled out the good stuff. Combined, you really are the 5th Force of Nature. Two moments stand out in my mind I want to share. On Sunday evening, I took a waking/dozing rest on the sectional in the kid’s room. I focused my mind on the sounds of individual people’s voices in the bar area. I could identify so many voices I recognized. The thing that stands out for me is the laughter. As I listened, I could hear various groups talking about something and then a Burst of Laughter would fill the room. It was laughter and fun and more laughter all night. As I lay there, the sound of all of your laughing made me very happy, I hope it did you too. The second stand out moment was when Lauren, Steve, and Jacob, our 3 paid bartenders very generously offered to share some of their tips with Shelby who suddenly became ill and couldn’t work. I think this gesture shows the very best in these young people and a special thanks to them. Thanks also to all of you who acted in my place as guardian and stand by assist for the Lovely & Gracious JeriLynn. We’re both so much more comfortable at NCYC than any other public place and your attention to her is much appreciated. We tried to list names of all who helped us, it started to look like the entire roster and we can’t leave anyone out so suffice it to say to all of you: Our most heartfelt THANK YOU ALL !!!
BlueSkies&Following Seas, Ron RonDraper Director, Publications North Channel Yacht Club
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