NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
20 July 2017
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Club Capri has requested to visit the club on Sunday, 27 August, for a poker run with 50-75 people. MOTION: Moved by R/C Ian Blackburn and seconded by Ron Draper to allow Club Capri to visit the club for a Poker Run with 50-75 people on 27 August. Motion Carried Tim Grennan asked that Windsor Yacht Club be allowed to visit the club on 11-13 August with 4-6 boats. MOTION: Moved by V/C Randy Pagel and seconded by Brian Fringer to allow Windsor Yacht Club to visit the club with 4-6 boats on 11-13 August. Motion Carried I. CURRENT BUSINESS Activities – Tom Martin There have been no losing activities this year; the profit to the club is $2097 so far. P/C John Dixon has asked that the first dock on the Sni, at the end of A-Dock, remain open this weekend to facilitate loading and unloading for the Float Down. MOTION: Moved by R/C Ian Blackburn and seconded by Darryl Campbell to reserve the dock on the northeast corner of the Sni, at the end of A-Dock, to facilitate loading and unloading for the Float Down on Saturday, 29 July. Motion Carried Club House – Scott Greenfelder Absent - No Report. Harbor & Grounds – V/C Randy Pagel for Bill Calihan The zero-degree mower has been repaired and will be back on the island in a couple days. A portion of one of the trees came down in the wind storm, and we need a larger chain saw to cut it up. The Board discussed the need to plan to top all of the willows to protect them over the next couple years. Membership – Kim Miedema Documented approval of new members that were approved via e-mail votes: MOTION: Moved by Kim Miedema and seconded by V/C Randy Pagel to approve Otto and Virginia Isbill as new members. Motion Carried MOTION: Moved by KimMiedema and seconded by Darryl Campbell to officially accept Dominic and Janis DeGregory as new members. Motion Carried MOTION: Moved by Kim Miedema and seconded by Brian Fringer to officially accept Tony and Kim Sicuna as new members. Motion Carried Approval of new members that were recently interviewed: MOTION: Moved by Kim Miedema and seconded by Ron Draper to accept Russell and Jennifer Greenfelder as new members. Motion Carried New member applications received that still require interviews: Gill & Kristin Palmer and Glenn & Jennifer Franklin. The Membership Drive went well; the club looked great, and the band was fantastic. There were 15 overnight guests, 3 new applications, about a dozen tours, and the expenses for the band, food and basket of cheer were covered by the proceeds of the event.
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