NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
20 July 2017
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III. NEW BUSINESS By-Law Revisions:
Commodore, Pat Carroll, has asked that Secretary, Glenn Nixon, schedule a meeting with the By-Law Committee to initiate and review changes to the NCYC By-Laws so that they can be presented to the Membership on Labor Day. Policy Revisions: Any new recommendations for policy changes should be done in the same timeframe as the By-Law Revisions so that the Board can approve them. Accident: Last week a female visitor tripped and fell on the dock. She landed on her shoulder. An ambulance was called and arrived on the paramedics arrived on the island by dinghy. The visitor was transported to Mt. Clemens General Hospital and was treated for a broken shoulder. She returned to the island and remained for a couple days before departing. For the purpose of awareness, it is possible that a claim may hit our insurance. There was discussion and a suggestion that a policy be established to prepare an accident report. Member of the Month None identified. Good of the Order R/C Ian Blackburn requested that a spaghetti dinner be held on Saturday of Karaoke Weekend and that the profits from the dinner be donated to the Wounded Warriors, the same foundation that the karaoke disc jockey supports. MOTION: Moved by R/C Ian Blackburn and seconded by Kim Miedema to donate the profits from the spaghetti dinner to the Wounded Warriors. Motion Carried Adjournment MOTION: Moved by R/C Ian Blackburn and seconded by Brian Fringer to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Next Meeting Date and Time: Thursday, 10 August 2017, 7:00 p.m. Location: North Channel Yacht Club.
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