Commodores Comments…
September is here. Where did the summer go? Fortunately, we still have quite a few fun filled weekends left this season for all of us to enjoy. I would like to thank all of our members who put on or helped put on an event this past summer. Your help in providing events for our club is greatly appreciated. This Saturday we have the September General Membership Meeting. One of the highlights of this meeting is the introduction of the 2017 NCYC candidates for our Flag, Board and Cash Reserve. I would personally like to thank each of the candidates for stepping up and being willing to devout their time and abilities to our club. Please take the time to talk to each of the candidates and familiarize yourself with them, after all, they are the future leaders of our club. Sunday evening we have the First Mates Boot, Scoot and Boogie Dinner and DJ. September 15th, Ray Fogg brings his PIB act to our island. Don’t miss this one. September 23rd is the annual Smoke Out. Our best Pitmasters battle it out to see who cooks the best ribs. It also showcases the culinary skills of our members in preparing and sharing their favorite dishes and appetizers. September 30th is the first Commodore’s Clays shoot at North Macomb Sportsman’s Club. Rounds of Trap, Skeet and 5 Stand will be followed by a steak dinner. More details to follow in the next few days. The weekend of October 6th, 7th and 8th is Haul Out weekend. Don’t miss the October General membership meeting on Saturday, where the winning candidates are announced. Saturday evening is the Haul Out Pajama Party with a dinner followed by entertainment by the Revivors. PJ’s are welcome if appropriate. On a sadder note, the weekends of October 14th and 21st are the fall work weekends where we prepare our island for another Michigan winter. Please come to our remaining events and enjoy a great September and October. You won’t regret it. Commodore Pat
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