Vice Commodores Comments…
Believe it or not, it is September and we have a new slate of candidates for directors and Rear Commodore for next year. Let the campaigning begin. Please spend some time talking with the new candidates to get to know where they stand on issues and policies as it relates to improving our Club. It is hard to believe we have 6 weekends left before we close the Club for the winter. Where did the summer go? Let’s take advantage of the remaining time to enjoy our boating friends and enjoy are beautiful clubhouse and grounds. We had a great Pot Luck dinner on August 26th and a great First Mates Labor Day Flank steak dinner under the help and direction of Debbie Siwek and her daughters. Linda and I look forward to the annual Rib Cook off on September 23rd and then the Commodore’s Clay shoot on September 30th at North Macomb Sportsmen’s Club in Washington Twp.
As you can see we still have lots of things happening at NCYC. Please come out and enjoy the fall boating season.
V/C Randy Pagel
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