We’ve had quite a summer so far, the last month presented a LOT of photos from events as you’ll see later in this Beacon. Butttttt first some business; • Our Harbor Master Report includes a copy of a document that was drafted and sent to each and every Incoming Rendezvous, Poker-Run, and any other group Guest event this year. The purpose was to help Guests understand our position on these events and what is expected. • We have an election coming. As in the past there is a mail in ballot system that makes as much sense as a fish with a bicycle at first glance. When you know the reasons for our system though it makes perfect sense. The diligent Beacon Fan will remember my most poignant discussion and explanation of this system from last October’s Beacon. I've included it in the Club Flyer section of this Beacon for your perusal, and entertainment. I would encourage all New Members to review this important information. • Our Mainland Well Waiting List has been updated with some new entries. • We have several upcoming events promising fun and frivolity for all. • Most IMPORTANT of All, We Have a Winner!!! I’m speaking of our contest for the 1st ever edition of “The World According to Tom”. I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it, and thanks to Tom for your wit and wisdom. We’ll do more with this as material comes available. Blue Skies Following Seas,
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I want to thank my Fleet Captains Ken and Julie for all of their efforts with making our 2018 Rendezvous fun and exciting. Also want to thank both Sheila and Glenn Nixon for all of their help in supporting Ken and Julie with making these rendezvous such a success. As you look at the slate of new board members for 2019, feel free to talk with each of them and get to know them as they prepare to run for office. Please answer any questions they may have and encourage them. We also will be starting the budgeting process for next year. The new 2019 budget will be voted on by the General Membership at the October GM meeting. Finally, as we are now in the month of September, it is amazing how fast the time has flown by. There is still time to enjoy the Commodore’s golf outing, Smoke On the Water, and Haul Out weekend. Don’t forget about our great tasting Friday night dinners prepared by our Bald Chef Tom. Start to think about marking your calendars for the fall work parties. (Can’t believe I just said that) Regards, Commodore Randy
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A big thank-you goes out to our 2018 Fleet Captains Ken and Julie! We enjoyed a great year of Rendezvous. They hosted us at Saint Clair, GPYC, and capped off the season at Club Island. It was obvious that they put their heart and soul into organizing and hosting these events. Ken and Julie, you did a great job! The Beatles concert was a blast from the past. All you could see when looking around the Club were smiles, people singing along and having a great time. Thank you is definitely in order for the Romatz family! It has been said, that we never go hungry at NCYC, and the Pot Luck Dinner certainly kept in step. There was a large variety of delicious foods and first-class camaraderie. There is nothing like everyone coming together to put on an event. The fun is far from over . . . the next few weekends will continue with events: • Labor Day Weekend; including the General Membership Meeting and the introductions of the candidates running for the 2019 Board of Directors • The Commodores Golf Outing • Smoke on the Water • The Commodore’s Cruise • Haul Out; including the General Membership Meeting announcing the 2019 Board of Directors • Fall work weekends
Continued on Next Page
Just a reminder to everyone to please read and follow the instructions for the voting ballots. Unfortunately, year after year, we have unqualified ballots. Please make sure that your vote counts! Excerpt from the By-Laws; Two envelopes will be sent with each official ballot; (a) a plain, inner envelope with no identifying marks, and (b) an outer envelope pre- addressed to the Secretary with a place for the member’s name and roll number in the upper left-hand corner. The member must seal his/her ballot in the plain, inner envelope, then enclose it in the official outer envelope, marked with his/her name and number before the start of the election meeting .
See you on the Island, V/C Ian Blackburn
Hello fellow members. As I look back to the Memorial weekend festivities, and all the activities that followed and the five that are planned out that will take us to the end of the boating season I am amazed at our membership. I want to personally thank all the members that stepped forward to chair these functions; the First Mates, Ancient Mariners and the Fleet Captain whom have provided the membership with some great activities for us all to enjoy. One of the great functions that took place was on Saturday August 25th, “The Pot Luck”. The “Pot Luck” is a little different than most of our get togethers. It is almost like a Sunday family dinner. A lot of good food and socializing. Well this year was an end of what you may call and era. Most of you know that Bob and Cindy Swan have been hosting this activity for approximately twenty years and this was their last year as they are moving to Florida. I am sure that will see them both from time to time on their “Return to Michigan” trips. A big thanks to Bob and Cindy for all your hard work and dedication to the club, we will miss you but we we’ll see you again. Thanks for all your contributions to the club!! See you on the Island, R/C Bill
AMessage from Chaplain Art Brooks
Another good month has passed and everyone seems to be in good health. Your Chaplain did however have hip surgery and is recovering quite well . We are not aware of any member who has lost a loved one. Please remember the members who are still burdened with an illness. Pray for them that they find peace for their love one’s illness or loss.
“Friends” by Dusty Rhoads A friend is a gift you give yourself.
It can be more precious than water or gold. It is a gift in return for the love you spend on his or her behalf. Friendship is not a cheap thing, so both give and accept this gracious gift. Friendship grows in love and you will find that you have room in your love for many. God proved that He loved us all, so include Him as one of the friends you give yourself. You will find more peace inside yourself and a head start on a good life in your mature years. Life is an uncertain thing and only too short to be spent in prejudice. So let yourself grow in friendship.
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The August Luncheon there were 27 people there. The September 13th Steak Luncheon is at the Club at 1:00 P.M.
Fair Winds and Calm Seas Archie Archibald Ancient Mariners President.
HI Ladies: Reminder that in front of the fireplace at the club house is a bin for our fundraiser of personal toiletries for Algonac Lions Club for Seniors. Our Christmas Party is Tuesday December 4, at 6:00 pm and will be held at Da Francesco’s Ristorante. Anyone interested in donating anything for raffle prizes for the Christmas party please contact Colleen Braun. More details to follow at a later date. The Fashion Show is Sunday, May 5, 2019. Mark your calendars. Please contact Colleen Braun for any donations for raffle prizes for the Fashion Show. More details to come at a later date. The Boatique still has many beautiful items for sale!! Stop by and check it out. Mark your calendars for Haul Out Weekend October 5-7. October 6 @ 10:00 a.m. is the First Mates Meeting and @ 1:00pm is the General Membership Meeting. October 7 is the First Mates Haul Out Breakfast.
Respectfully, Lisa Roath 2018 First Mates Publicity Director
First Mates NCYC Labor Day Polish Dinner 6 p.m. Sunday, September 2nd
$16 Adults $10 Kids 12 and Under
Entertainment by The Kielbasa Kings
Perogies Meatballs with Gravy Smoked and Plain Kielbasa with Sauerkraut Mashed Potatoes Vegetable Rolls Chrusciki (Angel Wings) Reservations to Sandi Stroh 41575 Clairpointe St., Harrison Twp., MI 48045 email or call 586-321-0513
Hello NCYC Members, This year Commodore Randy Pagel has established a position now known as Harbor Master. My duties are to take requests from other clubs and present them to the Board and Bridge for approval. They discuss the dates and incoming clubs by either approving the request or not based on our club’s activities for those days. The focus has been to promote clubs to come during the week more than the weekends, but there have been some approved incoming weekends that should not interfere with our members regarding available wells. Therefore, my other duty is to notify our members of those approved incoming boats in order for you to note them on your calendar and be aware of these outings. The following are the approved incoming rendezvous for the upcoming 2018 boating season for the remainder of the year. Additionally see the copy of Policies on the next page. This was drafted in an effort to help incoming Guests understand our most important and pertinent By-Laws and Policies regarding Guests. Each and every Incoming Rendezvous , Poker-Run, Fun-Run and Visitor Group received and returned a Signed copy of this document.
Sept 10 Antique Boats, Tim O'Brien Poker Run Sept 21-23 Bombay Boat Club, Chris Reese Sept 21-23 Power Squadron, Gary Jialanella
Harbor Master Leslie
North Channel Yacht Club Incoming Rendezvous, Poker Run, Fund Raiser; Group Policies and Guidelines You are visiting a Private Yacht Club. The Club is staffed by Member Volunteers, there are no paid custodians. The following guidelines apply. A per diem for boats or persons may apply. Entry into and enjoyment of North Channel Yacht Club is a privilege which is extended to certain groups or individuals only during their continued compliance with these policies and guidelines. Groups or individuals not in compliance will not be welcome for future visits . 1. Your guests will be welcome on the island; Date _______________ from __________ to __________. Set up and clean up personnel, if any, are welcome from ____________ to _____________. 2. Prior to your departure, the group sponsor will be expected to police the island and collect and carry from the island all trash, litter, empty containers, etc. We don’t want your empties; we want you to leave our island the way you found it. 3. The group sponsor will be expected to stay on the island until the last guest has departed the island. 4. NCYC Members have Priority for all wells, docks, kitchen, bar, and all club facilities at all times. Guests are expected to yield at the request of any Member, including moving a guest boat if need be. NCYC OD or Week Manager or Harbor Master reserves the right to assign or re-assign guest wells. 5. Shirts and Shoes are to be worn in the Club House at all times, no wet bathing suits allowed. 6. Guests are to sign in the Guest Register located adjacent to the Bar next to the Fireplace immediately upon arrival. 7. No outside alcohol is allowed in the Club House. You may consume your own alcohol on your boats, or on island grounds outside the Club House. 8. Alcohol purchased inside the Club House must be consumed in the Club House, Deck, or Gazebo. 9. Fire Arms are NOT allowed in the Club Parking Lot or on the Island at any time. USCG Approved signal devices excluded. 10. “Freebies” are not included in your party unless specifically granted in writing prior to the event; all drinks, bar food, ice, boutique items, etc. are for sale. 11. No Swimming in the Harbor or Canals at any time. Our designated swimming hole excluded. 12. No Loud Music or Boisterous behavior while visiting our Private Club. 13. All NCYC By-Laws and Policies are in effect at all times. The Week Manager or O.D. has FINAL SAY on any dispute or decision during your visit. Thank you for your adherence to these policies and guidelines. Compliance and common sense will lead to a good time for all and maintain a good relationship between our organizations. We recommend you forward a copy of this page to all your guests. Group Sponsor Signed: _____________________________________ Date: ______________ Print Name: _________________________ Group Name: _________________________________
NCYC Membership
Commodore Randy Pagel
Commodore Past Pat Carrol
Commodore Vice Ian Blackburn
Commodore Rear
Darryl Transportation Campbell
Fleet Captain Ken Lipowski Julie Delauter
Grounds Harbor & Tom Altobelli
Scott Clubhouse Greenfelder
Brian Fringer
Ron Draper
Glenn Nixon
Debbie Siwek
Dale Hall
Tom Martin
Committee Insurance Chairman P/C Tom McHugh
Committee Finance
Planning Forward Committee
Committee Reserve Fund
Procedures Guidelines & Committee P/C Rick Romatz
Committee Nominating P/C Chuck
Committee By Laws
P/C Paul Jarvis
Calihan R/C Bill
Brian Fringer
Glenn Nixon
P/C Pat Carroll
Arms Sergeant-at-
Officer Safety
Recorder Board
Leslie Leitch Master Harbor
Ann Malik Sue Mile Surgeons Fleet
Directors Youth
Co. LLC Bultynck &
Shelby Romatz Lisa Roath
Greg Brigman
Art Brooks
Brian Roath
John Sweier
NCYC Photographer Membership
Major Sargent
Pins Burgees & Judy McHugh Manager
P/C Pat Carroll Delegate ABYA
Manager Clubhouse
IT Officer
P/C Bill Hendricks
P/C Scott Bell
Colleen Braun
Members, please support our advertisers…
Forward Planning Committee: R/C Bill Calihan (Chairman) Brian Roath 18, 19, 20 P/C Rick Romatz 18, 19, 20
Nominating Committee: P/C Chuck Stroh (Chairman) P/C Bill Hendricks Diane French
Don Ruma 17, 18, 19 Ben Carroll 17, 18, 19 Steve Marten 16, 17, 18 P/C Bill Bauer 16, 17, 18 By-Laws Committee: Glenn Nixon (Chairman) V/C Ian Blackburn
Renee McEvoy Kim Miedema Jill Romatz
Guidelines & Policies Committee: P/C Rick Romatz (Chairman)
P/C Hugh Vestal P/C Tom Mchugh P/C Brian McEvoy P/C Chuck Stroh P/C Harley Burris Brian Michel
Frank Corcoran P/C Rick Romatz Al Durand P/C Harley Burris Kim Miedema P/C Tom McHugh – Parliamentarian
Larry Malik Art Brooks
Insurance Committee: P/C Tom McHugh (Chairman) Commodore Randy Pagel
Cash Reserve Committee: P/C Pat Carroll (Chairman) Commodore Randy Pagel Brian Malik 1st Year Mike Wonderly 2nd Year Ken Lipowski 3rd Year
V/C Ian Blackburn Anthony McHugh P/C Bob Watson
Finance Committee: Brian Fringer (Chairman)
Frank Corcoran P/C Hugh Vestal Steve Marten
North Channel Yacht Club Calendar of Events 2018
January 20
Commodores Ball
February 2-4
Edgerly/Malik Snowmobile Trip
March 11
Blessing of the Fleet at Mariner's Church
March 9-11
ABYA Spring Rendezvous Midland
April 14
Elite Brigade
April 21
Elite Brigade
April 28
Elite Brigade
May 5
Elite Brigade (Steak Lunch)
May 6
Fashion Show
May 12
First Spring Work Party
May 19
Second Spring Work Party
May 25-28
Opening Weekend - Fitting Out
May 26 10:00am - First Mates Meeting
First Mates Patio Party
1:00pm - General Membership Meeting
Tom Altobelli
6:00pm - Steer Roast Dinner
May 27 Pride of Michigan
1:00pm - Flag Raising Ceremony
Complementary Luncheon following Ceremony
3:00pm - Father Steve Blessing of the Fleet
June 1-3
ABYA Dinner Dance - June 2
P/C Pat Carroll
June 8-10
Tiki Bar
P/C Jim Angers
June 10-15
Ladies Week
Debbie Siwek
June 15-17
Rendezvous - St. Clair
P/C Edgar Atnip
June 21
Ancient Mariners Luncheon - 1:00pm at the Club
June 22-24
Kid's Weekend - Lisa Roath/Shelby Romatz
Bob Carnaghi
Big Smoke - Don Ruma Surf&Turf Dinner - P/C Brian McEvoy
June 29-July 1
P/C Tom McHugh
July 6-8
Fourth of July Celebration
Ron Draper
July 13-15
Ancient Mariners Horse Races
Chuck Penzien
July 19
Ancient Mariners Luncheon - 1:00pm at the Club
July 20-22
Float Down (?)
Dale Hall
Rendezvous - Grosse Pointe Yacht Club, Jefferson Beach Incoming Rendezvous
July 27-29
Brian Fringer
August 3-5
Karaoke, Sand Point Yacht Club Incoming Rendezvous
V/C Ian Blackburn
North Channel Yacht Club Calendar of Events 2018
August 10-12
Rendezvous - Club Island
P/C Brian McEvoy
August 16
Ancient Mariners Luncheon - 1:00pm at the Club
August 17-19
Beatle Mania Concert - August 17
Darryl Campbell
August 24-26
Potluck - Swan/Pagel
P/C Denise Huntley
August 31-September 3
Labor Day Weekend
September 1 10:00am - First Mates Meeting
1:00pm - General Membership Meeting
Scott Greenfelder
Meet the Candidates
P/C Beer Bust after Meeting, hot dogs/hamburgers
September 2 First Mates Dinner
September 7-9
Commodores Golf Outing
R/C Bill Calihan
September 10
ABYA GMM First Mates Dinner
September 13
Ancient Mariners Luncheon - 1:00pm at the Club
September 14-16
Smoke on the Water BBQ Cook Off
P/C Rick Romatz
September 21-23
Tom Martin
September 22-29
Commodores Cruise to the East Coast
September 28-30
Glenn Nixon
October 5-7
Haul Out Weekend
October 6 10:00am - First Mates Meeting
Debbie Siwek
1:00pm - General Membership Meeting
Haul Out Dinner
October 7 First Mates Haul Out Breakfast
October 13
First Fall Work Party
October 20
Second Fall Work Party
O FF I CE : ( 586 ) 775-7054 FAX: [ 586 ) 775-8'9'21
sr. Cl.AIR SHOm, Ml 4:SOB0-1Bll
May 20-25
Vice Commodore Ian Blackburn
John & Shelley Sweier/Ron & Colleen Braun/Steve & Diane Marten
May 28-June 1
T ony & Sharon Simion
Darryl & Josette Campbell
June 3-8
PC John & Bev Anderson
Diane French
June 10-15
Ladies Week
Debbie Siwek
June 17-22
Jerry Krist & Irene Martin
Tony & Kim Scicluna/Brigida & Pat Sullivan
June 24-29
Dennis & Ellen Alcazar
Larry & Kim Miedema
July 1-6
Bob Fringer & Brian Fringer
Dennis & Janet Pomeroy
July 8-13
Ron & Colleen Braun
Tim Grennan/PC Paul & Cathy Jarvis
July 15-20
PC Rick & Jill Romatz
Art & Sue Brooks/Rear Commodore Bill & Terri Calihan
July 22-27
Scott Goemmel & Michele
Dale & Colleen Hall
July 29-Aug 3
John & Shelley Sweier
Frank & Dianne Corcoran
Aug 5-10
PC Ken & Kay Smith
PC Harley & Linda Burris/Al & Ruth Durand
Aug 12-17
Leslie Leitch & Patty Mok
Scott & Nicole Greenfelder
Aug 19-24
John & Shelley Sweier
Jim & Linda Lutz
Aug 26-31
Commodore Randy & Linda Pagel
Ron & Jeannine Kemp/Ed and Diane Romatz Steve & Diane Marten
Sept 3-7
Chris & Julie Strzyzewski
Jim & Sue Mile/Russ & Pat Adams
Sept 9-14
John & Shelley Sweier/Peter & Norma Frame Frank & Dianne Corcoran
Sept 16-21
Steve & Diane Marten
Ron & Jeannine Kemp
Sept 23-28
Commodore Cruise
Roman Kolodchin/Tony Ellul
Sept 30-Oct 5
Brian Malik & Lori Abry
Jeff Edgerly/Keith & Erin McGregor PC Tom & Judy McHugh
One of the things I really enjoy about living in a small township of 3,000 people is voting. We gather in line outside the Township Hall which looks like an old white clapboard one room schoolhouse, because it is. Standing in line outside everyone is bitching and complaining about what the idiots in government are doing, have done, or are about to do to us. As we amble up the rickety old wood stairs we dodge the last of the campaigners and their hand-outs. We enter the Great Room and make our way across the squeaky wood slat floor and come upon a row of old wood folding tables whose edge banding has long since worn off. Upon the layers of laminate showing through well-worn plywood table tops we see reams of documents containing the names, addresses, and voting registrations of everyone in the township. Behind the tables are a half dozen or so ladies brightly smiling asking for ID, and checking people off the lists with their #2 pencils. They look like they ran libraries back when we used the Dewey Decimal System and they take their jobs every bit as seriously. After proving we are who we say we are, we cross the room to the other row of tables where the ballots are filled out with a #2 pencil on a string, as we sit with a cardboard divider between us so there is no “cheating”. It's a 2-step process, 1st we identify ourselves, then we fill out an anonymous ballot. Then feeling elated on our way out, we celebrate our effort to send another no good so- and –so back to the gulag where they belong. This brings me to our upcoming NCYC election, not the gulag part, the process stuff. We make it easier for our members who can’t or otherwise don’t attend the General Membership Meeting in October when we have our official election ballot counting; and then announce next year’s Flag, Board of Directors and Committees. We use a secret ballot mail in system, with an inperson ballot drop off as an option. Remember those ladies I mentioned? Being a drinking club with a boating problem, we don’t have them. We do still need to make sure that each ballot comes from a Member, and we also need to make sure that no Member votes more than once. Our club, as a registered Not-For-Profit, and also as the holder of a Michigan Liquor Control Commission Club License, must meet certain guidelines to prove we have a duly elected government system as described in our club By- Laws. Certainly no one expects any improprieties, but if we ever had to, we need to show we followed our own By-Laws.
Soooo we use 2 envelopes. One envelope contains the ballot which is filled out in private and put in the Blank Envelope; that's the anonymous ballot part. That envelope is then put into another envelope which Must Contain the Voters Name and Member Number; that's the identification part. When the votes are tallied, the Name and Member Number on the outer envelope are checked off against the Member Roster. Now we know no one can vote twice. The actual Ballots in the Blank Envelopes are still sealed and Anonymous. At that point the Outer envelope is opened and the Blank Ballot envelopes are removed and thrown randomly into a box. That box is then given to other people who open the now anonymous and Blank envelopes and tally the ballots. In this way it can be verified that all ballots were submitted by a Member and that no Member voted more than once, and that all ballots were completely anonymous. Any Ballot envelope (the inner one) with any identifying mark must be discarded. Any ballot envelope that shows up Not Inside a properly filled out outer envelope with the Member’s Name and Member # must be discarded. Each year, roughly 25% of ballots received fall into one of these 2 categories. That's a lot of votes that won't count. Now you know why it’s so important to follow the voting instructions precisely. Please do so in order for your vote to count. Hmmmm maybe next year we should all go meet at my Township Hall and employ the ladies behind the old wood tables........ Hope this helps, Ron Ron Draper, your most informative Director of Publications
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9:00 Shot-Gun-Start
Smoke on the Water Rib cook-off Saturday September 15, 2018 • Please plan to come and enjoy an entire day of camaraderie! Coney Dogs will be served for lunch and two bands will take us through the day. “Rhythm Alley” will play in the afternoon and “Fast Forward” will play during the evening. • Registration to compete in the cook-off is required by September 1, 2018. If you wish to compete, please contact Jeff Edgerly or P/C John Dickson. • Same rules as always. Ribs must be picked up at the Pitmaster meeting, and must be cooked on the island. All entries must reach the judges table by 5pm. NO LATE ENTRIES will be accepted. Meeting at 9am, ribs distributed at 10am. • All entries will be judged by a panel of three members who are not competing. **If you are interested in judging, please contact Jeff or John. • If you don’t wish to compete, we still need members who would like to cook to provide the ribs for the dinner. We have a lot of ribs to prepare! We will also be serving chicken. • Additionally, we are looking for volunteers to assist in the continued success of this great event. Cooks, setup, food prep, servers, and cleanup crew are still needed. • RSVP to Jeff or John is necessary to both compete and to reserve tickets for the event. Please let them know how many tickets you will need for your party by September 5, 2018. Cost for the event is $25 per person. Attention all Rib cooks and competitors!
Jeff Edgerly (810) 335-2008 P/C John Dickson (586) 615-4230
Smoke on the Water is looking for corporate and individual member sponsors. Saturday September 15, 2018 Provide exposure to your business or send a personal message to your family and friends on one of the busiest days on the island!
$100 sponsorship includes: • Your logo proudly displayed on the banner hanging in the patio. • 2 dinner tickets
$500 sponsorship includes: • Your logo/message on a yard sign that can be placed anywhere you’d like on the island the day of the Smoke-out. • Your logo proudly displayed on the banner hanging in the patio. • 4 dinner tickets
Contact Jeff Edgerly to place your ad. (810) 335-2008
North Channel Yacht Club Board of Directors - Regular Meeting 12 July 2018
Call to Order Commodore, Randy Pagel Commodore Randy Pagel called the meeting to order at 6:56p.m. The meeting was held at NCYC. Roll Call Secretary, Glenn Nixon F LAG O FFICERS Present Absent Commodore Randy Pagel Vice Commodore Ian Blackburn Rear Commodore Bill Calihan Excused D IRECTORS Transportation Darryl Campbell Excused Harbor & Grounds Tom Altobelli Activities Tom Martin Excused Treasurer Brian Fringer Publications Ron Draper Secretary Glenn Nixon Excused Membership Debbie Siwek Supplies Dale Hall Club House Scott Greenfelder I MMEDIATE P AST C OMMODORE P/C Pat Carroll A PPOINTED P OSITIONS Fleet Captain Ken Lipowski Board Recorder Greg Brigman Pledge of Allegiance All Approval of Agenda All MOTION: Moved by P/C Carroll seconded by Ron Draper to approve the agenda. Motion Carried Approval of Meeting Minutes All MOTION: Moved by Scott Greenfelder and seconded by Ron Draper to approve the June, 8th 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion Carried Commodore’s Comments Commodore, Randy Pagel It is hard to believe we are in the second week of July already. Time is just flying by this year. I want to thank Don Ruma for the Scotch/Wine/Cigar event he put on June 30 th . Also want to thank P/C Brian and Renee McEvoy and their team for the great Lobster/Steak cookout that same Saturday. Also, I want to thank Debbie Siwek and the entire Board for marketing NCYC to all of the prospective new members we are getting this year. It looks like a banner year for new members in 2018. I truly appreciate everyone’s efforts as it relates to membership.
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
14 June 2018
Page 2 of 5
Vice-Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore, Ian Blackburn I’d like to thank all the Weekday Managers who have filled that role so far. It appears that the “team” approach is working. I also want to let the board know that on July 1 st , I had the pleasure of meeting and giving a club tour to Kathy Hatzenbuhler, the daughter of the late PC Hatzenbuhler. She had many stories to tell and was extremely impressed with how far the club has come since she was 12 years old. Rear-Commodore’s Comments Rear Commodore, Bill Calihan No report. Financial Report Treasurer, Brian Fringer Generated over $22,000 income in June, expenses rolling in. Cash position still solid. Huntington Bank account has been closed out and we’re using 100% Fifth Third. MOTION: Moved by Scott Greenfelder and seconded by V/C Blackburn to approve the Financial Report. Motion Carried
ABYA Report
P/C Pat Carroll
No report Correspondence
All Debbie sent a letter to member regarding the having a second boat incident on Memorial Day weekend. Letter referred to the presently established by-laws on this topic. Received a thanks you letter from John Sweier’s sister for the donation to the Humane Society. Received a letter from the Whyard’s thanking the club for the gift.
Tom Martin
No report Clubhouse –
Scott Greenfelder Went to renew XM radio subscription. He signed up through September. Will need to renew. Will be $30 for next 6 months. Needs a motion to spend the money. Scott Greenfelder made a motion to approve the spending, seconded by PC Carroll. Motion Carried This evening he replaced hot water recirculating pump. Lastly, Direct Energy account has been renewed. Needs a motion to allow angers to negotiate the direct energy account. Tom Altobelli We installed 4 new pilings and extended another 3 on the Sni. Question for Brian Fringer: can we put together a scroll that mimic a long term contract to do work around the harbor? Extend thank you for tony socuma. BP Marine. Scott Greenfelder mentioned the work fin dock (#1) is is bad Harbor & Grounds
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
14 June 2018
Page 3 of 5
shape. Questions came up as to if this dock is owned by NCYC. Needs to determine who owns the dock to get it repaired and safe again.
Membership Debbie Siwek We’re at 189 boating members. Debbie went thru last 15 years of rosters and found the highest boating membership we had was 219 in 1993; we’re still far from waiting list. Got 4 new applications tonight. Need to interview. Did 5 interview on Labor Day and Darryl Campbell did one next day. Asked if we want to do more interviews? Passed out new member prospects interviews to get scheduled. P/C Blackburn asked why such an influx of new members? Debbie thought the membership drive Kim Miedema put on last year may explain some of the increase. Lot’s of younger people becoming interested. Publications – Ron Draper Got an email to upgrade the website to make it more secure by adding an S to the Hyper Text Transfer Protocal (will be https instead of http). This will protect us from hackers. Also wants to get a Security Certificate. Cost is about $45 – $100 per year. Ron recommended we do it. Scott Greenfelder made motion to get the security Certificate, Brian Fringer seconded. Motion Carried Dale Hall Got rid of older slow selling booze and replaced with more desired brands. Got good reviews so far. Rundown on numbers. Up about 27% from last year. Wine up 47%. Transportation – Darryl Campbell Fin Two (the Mackie with the blue top) has had the closed cooling removed and converted to raw water cooling as the closed system is not needed in our fresh water environment. The Fin will still need some tweaking as the old thermostat is not allowing the motor to run at design temperature. Fin Three (the Stanley “Tin Fin”). Has had the fuel filter changed. The zero turn mower has had a low oil pressure kill switch installed and the break-in oil and filter from last year was changed and replaced with synthetic oil. Fleet Captain – Ken Lipowski Sent last Fanout for the GPYC rendezvous. Need final number in by June 15 th . CRYC will be next. Secretary – No report Supplies – Glenn Nixon
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
14 June 2018
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Incoming Rendezvous/Poker Run Approvals
Board voted and approved of the 3 new rendezvous highlighted in yellow. Mainland Dumpster update from Waste Management (WM)
Brian Fringer’s wife said Waste Management is going to refund the 2 overcharges from Memorial Day weekend. We have the largest dumpers available. When we place garage on top of the dumpster, the WM truck cannot flip the can into their bed. They suggested that if the dumpster is full to stack the bags on the ground instead of on top of dumpster. Need to look at our schedule to change for busier outings. Tom Altobelli said we can give schedule in beginning of year as we know when our busy weekends will be. Tom called Clay Township to get their local garbage company to see what their cost will be. Brian said we need to manage the garbage better and not put garbage on the ground by the dumpster. Yachting Club of America Renewal We have 12 -14 members use this affiliation in the Florida area. Debbie Siwek made motion to renew fee to stay associated. Scott Greenfelder seconded. Motion Carried Report on Survey of Clubhouse The board reviewed a copy of the survey. General consensus was the club is in better shape than thought. Structure and foundation in sound shape Insurance Appraisal of NCYC Building End of July or first part of August to see if we have insurance. $2100 cost NEW BUSINESS
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
14 June 2018
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Member of the Month P/C Carroll made a motion to nominate P/C Brian and Renee McEvoy and Don Ruma for their success for The Great Smoke. Scott Seconded. Motion Carried Ron Draper made a motion to nominate Shelby Romatz for her great job putting on Kid’s Day. Scott Greenfelder seconded. Motion Carried Good of the Order Debbie Siwek ran into past member Debbie Pangbor who complemented the Club on the poker run, it was their best stop. V/C Blackburn mentioned at the August BOD meeting nomination commette. Chuck, we need to remind. Donny Shepperson sent in a letter to Commodore Pagel proposing that in an effort to show the appreciation of all the Commodores hard work and devotion to NCYC, we provide one free complementary drink to all past and current commodores at the Friday night dinners. Scott Greenfelder made a motion to approve, Brian Fringer seconded. Motion Carried An amendment was made by V/C Blackburn to the motion to just send them send 23 drink cards at the beginning of each year starting 2019. Adjournment MOTION: Moved by P/C Carroll and seconded by Brain Fringer to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried The meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m. Next Meeting Date and Time: Thursday, 9th August 2018, 7:00 p.m. Location: NCYC
This month we recognize Scott Goemmel and Michele LaCombe for their efforts hosting Incoming Rendezvous from Ohio and elsewhere. They put on very entertaining evening parties every night for a week. The Club benefitted from the acquisition of a new Member and they may have set a record for Highest Gross Revenue for a Week Manager ever. Everyone stayed within the Rules and a good time was had by all. Feeling a little giddy on the way out Friday, they came up with the concept for “The World According to Tom” Thank You Scott & Michele By, Ron Draper
There was a time when taking a shower on this Island was non-existent. With the help of past member Bob Cirello in 1974 Showers were installed and happiness has existed ever since. The showers were built in an unused space of the clubhouse. Prior to that the only shower was in the Managers Apartment. Bob owned a plumbing company and also did tile work and he brought some of his guys to help. The hot water tank was upgraded at about the same time to accommodate the showers. The heat lamps and ceiling fans were included in the project. It’s hard to imagine the Club without these upgrades especially when you think a big boat back then was a 28-footer and the biggest boat was Jim Riehl’s 36’ Chris Craft, very few of these boats had a shower so there was much celebration for Bobs’ efforts. P/C Paul Jarvis
And the Winner is…
You “City Idiots” want me to do WHAT??
Congratulations to Dennis Biel for being the First Ever Winner of “What it Tom Thinking?” 1 st Runner Up: Sandy Angers; “If they’re getting a free bottle of wine, do I get a free keg of beer?” Only seems fair. 2 nd Runner Up: Kim Miedema; to the girl jogging around the island for exercise, “You know, if you got up and get going earlier,… you could’ve just walked.” 3 rd Runner Up: Dianne Corcoran: “What’s it take to get another Beer around here?”
To the NCYC membership I want to express my appreciation for the wonderful flower/plant arrangement I received while recuperating from my recent hip replacement surgery. As in the NCYC and First Mates fashion, this gift was very uplifting and
cheery for one recovering from surgery. Thank you all very much !! Sincerely, Art Brooks
To the NCYC membership I would like send a Heart Felt Thankyou for the beautiful arrangement, cards, and prayers, on my mothers passing. We feel so fortunate to be a part of such a wonderful Club Family. Sincerely, Denise Tom & Denise Lisowski
Safe Harbor Marinas is proud to announce the acquisition of 2 marinas in Michigan. With the addition of Jefferson Beach Marina and Toledo Beach Marina in St. Clair Shores and La Salle, Michigan, respectively, the company expands its network to 70 marinas across the United States. The new acquisitions are part of the company’s ongoing program to grow and diversify its portfolio. Safe Harbor Marinas is the largest and most geographically-diversified owner and operator of marinas in North America. “We’re pleased to welcome these properties into our portfolio,” said Baxter Underwood, CEO of Safe Harbor Marinas. “As we continue to expand our network and tenaciously improve operations, we’re in a unique position to serve boaters. We look forward to providing Safe Harbor Members at Jefferson Beach and Toledo Beach marinas with the very best in boating lifestyle.” With the addition of the two Michigan properties, Safe Harbor Marinas now owns and manages 70 marinas in 18 states.
S H M A R I N A S . C O M J o i n U s
North Channel Lighted Buoy Survey Explained
NCYC Members, P/C Pat Carrol as our ABYA Delegate has provided us the Waterway Analysis and Management System Survey from the USCG as a first step in requesting the Coast Guard to provide Lighted Buoys on the North Channel entrance from Anchor Bay and around the Grassy Island curves. The ABYA is lobbying the USCG to add this to their Lighted Buoy program. The ABYA is asking all interested boaters to download the following 2-page document, fill out the blank spaces on the first page and mail to the address on the second page. The ABYA has filled in most of the questions for us so you only need to add your name and boat information. If enough boaters respond with a need to have the channel markers lighted, the USCG may provide us with the lighted buoys.
A reminder to NCYC Members, our club has an affiliation with Boat US that entitles us to discounts on purchases at the stores as well as their insurance products and other services. The magic number to know is our Group # GA80766Y . The group affiliation card is shown below.
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