NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
14 June 2018
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Incoming Rendezvous/Poker Run Approvals
Board voted and approved of the 3 new rendezvous highlighted in yellow. Mainland Dumpster update from Waste Management (WM)
Brian Fringer’s wife said Waste Management is going to refund the 2 overcharges from Memorial Day weekend. We have the largest dumpers available. When we place garage on top of the dumpster, the WM truck cannot flip the can into their bed. They suggested that if the dumpster is full to stack the bags on the ground instead of on top of dumpster. Need to look at our schedule to change for busier outings. Tom Altobelli said we can give schedule in beginning of year as we know when our busy weekends will be. Tom called Clay Township to get their local garbage company to see what their cost will be. Brian said we need to manage the garbage better and not put garbage on the ground by the dumpster. Yachting Club of America Renewal We have 12 -14 members use this affiliation in the Florida area. Debbie Siwek made motion to renew fee to stay associated. Scott Greenfelder seconded. Motion Carried Report on Survey of Clubhouse The board reviewed a copy of the survey. General consensus was the club is in better shape than thought. Structure and foundation in sound shape Insurance Appraisal of NCYC Building End of July or first part of August to see if we have insurance. $2100 cost NEW BUSINESS
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