North Channel Lighted Buoy Survey Explained
NCYC Members, P/C Pat Carrol as our ABYA Delegate has provided us the Waterway Analysis and Management System Survey from the USCG as a first step in requesting the Coast Guard to provide Lighted Buoys on the North Channel entrance from Anchor Bay and around the Grassy Island curves. The ABYA is lobbying the USCG to add this to their Lighted Buoy program. The ABYA is asking all interested boaters to download the following 2-page document, fill out the blank spaces on the first page and mail to the address on the second page. The ABYA has filled in most of the questions for us so you only need to add your name and boat information. If enough boaters respond with a need to have the channel markers lighted, the USCG may provide us with the lighted buoys.
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