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11 July 2019


Debbie Siwek

Debbie advised that P/C Chuck and Sandi Stroh went from non-boating to boating status and that Katy Kuhr became a new junior member.

Debbie requested Motions for the following new members to be approved. Steven and Michelle Barker Moved by Debbie Siwek and Seconded by P/C Randy Pagel. Motion Carried. Kevin and Debra Kosciolek Moved by Debbie Siwek and seconded by R/C Glen Nixon. Motion Carried. Tony and Michelle Rybinski Motion by Debbie Siwek and seconded by John Sweier. Motion Carried. Debbie read a request from a member requesting that his work hours be waived due to injury .After discussion the board approved the request to exempt him and his spouse for 2019 hours, but as a follow up will go to the policy committee to revise the rule if a member cannot work the spouse is not exempt and must still work their hours. Motion: Moved by Debbie Siwek for NCYC to renew our membership with Yachting Club of America. Second P/C Randy Pagel. Motion carried.


Ron Draper

No Report

Secretary Frank Corcoran Frank Corcoran lead a discussion regarding the work party transition from week OD to weekend OD on Friday evenings at the club. The issue is that it is taking too long for the changeover to occur and it is creating much confusion during a very busy time that is consumed with bar activity, dinner, etc.. Possible solutions discussed were changing the time for the transition to earlier in the day or shutting the bar down for one half hour. After much discussion Dale Hall said he would take this down as an action item to come up with ideas for a quicker more efficient process.

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