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11 July 2019

Supplies – Dale Hall Dale Hall advised that bar revenue is down $4100.00 or 12.2% year to date compared to last year. The reason could be weather related. Dale advises that the keg lift has arrived and that the stackers and dollies are working well.

Transportation –

Darryl Campbell

No report

Fleet Captain – Leslie Leitch Leslie advises that the DYC rendezvous is on and that there will be a fan out later in the week for the members that will describe all of the details.



Motion : Moved by Frank Corcoran and seconded by Brian Fringe that the club should apply for a special liquor license for the Aug 5 poker run hosted by member Jeff Edgerly. Motion Carried

By Law Committee Updates

Frank Corcoran updated the board on the progress that his committee has made with revisions to Section 7 of the By Laws which pertains to the duties of the treasurer. He asked that any suggestions for revisions from the board be submitted to him within the week. P/C Rick Romatz updated the board on the progress that the committee has made with revisions to the Cash Reserve and Major Capital Expenditure Fund as well the role the Flag positions of Commodore, Vice Commodore and Rear Commodore. Renee McEvoy updated the board on the progress that her committee has made in the possible revision of the definition of Member of NCYC. Commodore Ian Stated that the goal is to complete the By Law Committee work so that it may be presented to the membership at the Labor Day general membership meeting.

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