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9 May 2019
Secretary No Report
Frank Corcoran
Supplies – Dale Hall Dale advised that all bar taps have been cleaned. Delivery of kegs and liquor has been started for the opening weekend. He also advised that the Coke wands will be calibrated for the spring opening this weekend. Darryl Campbell Fin 1 (workboat) was launched ahead of schedule to facilitate anticipation of an appreciable amount of supplies for the grooming and improvement of our club. The handicap lift will not be installed until a later date due to the size and volume of the goods and equipment to be hauled. Fin 2 (Blue top) will be launched sometime around the middle of May as it is going through the usual repairs and maintenance. Fin 3 (the aluminum Stanley) has been getting quite a workout since its launch. However, it is a repeated request that some caution be taken when using it as Fin 3 has received damage in a number of areas and its use as our primary transportation will leave it a poor appearing representative to our beautiful club. I would like to thank those who set a great example and took the time to clean the boat up after the work party Saturday…….it was a mess. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind fixing the Finrunners but those funds would be better used elsewhere in the club Transportation –
Fleet Captain –
Leslie Leitch
We will be talking to Ross at DYC on Monday, so we can get an idea of the number of wells since they are now open. Then we can send out a Fan Out, although, we have received some request already. Fleet Captain’s.
Les and Patty
By Laws Discussion A high level summary of the By Laws revisions has been prepared for Commodore Ian Blackburn to review at the general membership meeting on opening weekend.
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