2021 - May Beacon
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March 11, 2021
Melissa Winkler
Melissa is working on the Beacon and the Roster; she needs still needs the Flag comments. She is updating photos for the website. She is hoping to have all ads for the Beacon and Roster by March 15 th . Melissa is hoping to have everything by April 1 st so that it can be approved and sent to print May 1 st for distribution opening weekend.
Gary Jialanella
Gary is currently working in 2 areas 1. Member work weekend schedule: The only weekend that seems to be short is July 4 th weekend. Gary will add some of the new members to this weekend and does not foresee any problems. There are weekends that have excessive workers so some of them may need to be moved around. 2. OD Manual: Will be discussed in Old Business.
Al Douglas
No Report
Tom Lisowski
Tom asked about replacing Fin #1 with a pontoon. This will have to be brought to the Forward Planning Committee and the Financing Committee. Fin #2 is listed as #8 on the 5-year plan and Fin #2 is listed #2 on the 10-year plan. Tom will work on proposals for the replacement of Fin #1. A suggestion to put a committee together was proposed, Tom will put together a committee to research replacement options. Tom inquired about a debit card to make necessary purchases. R/C Brian Fringer and Kevin Rae will set up access to all the directors with 5/3 Bank, all the directors will need to go into 5/3 Bank to sign the signature card before access will be granted.
Fleet Captain
Scott Goemmel
Incoming Rendevous
All Ports Yacht Club 4 boats Ohio Crew 6 boats Put-in-Bay 12 boats
Week of July 19 th (Scott Goemmel is weekday OD) 22 nonmember boats Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : Al Douglas Motion : Carried by all Lake Front Yacht Club 5 boats Week of August 2 nd (Weekday manager approved) Motion by: Tom Lisowski Second by : Al Douglas Motion : Carried by all
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