2021 - May Beacon
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March 11, 2021
NCYC Rendevous
Lexington Harbor for the weekend of July 23-25 (Confirmed)
St. Clair Harbor for the weekend of August 13-15 (Confirmed)
TO BE ANNOUNCED 2021 Commodore Cruise
1. Status of Clubhouse water mitigation plan – Director Bill Burkhardt Tabled to April
2. Status of DTE survey – Genow seawall erosion issue – V/C Dale Hall V/C Dale Hall has received a letter and phone calls from DTE, the bottom line is DTE will not budge on responsibility of this problem. The plan now is to fill in the area until DTE is willing to work with us. 3. Plan for Alcohol Awareness Program req’s for NCYC Insurance Policy – R/C Brian Fringer R/C Brian Fringer is still working on a way to train workers to satisfy the insurance company. There is no way to get a group login, the cost is $8.00 per person. R/C Brian Fringer will investigate a train the trainer option, he will continue to work on this.
4. Golf Cart offer – Commodore Glenn Nixon preview rules for use to include in the OD Manual Gary Jialanella will add the rules to the manual.
5. Status of project to backfill along new walkways – East Harbor and Robison Discussed Harbor and Grounds
6. Status of A-Dock extension project – V/C Dale Hall and Director Tom Altobelli Discussed Harbor and Grounds
7. Security cameras – Al Douglas No discussion
8. OD Manual updates – Secretary Gary Jialanella Gary made changes to 4 areas *Changed retired director names to current director names *Added an attachment for the COVID policy *Golf cart operations *Alcohol awareness (still being worked on) The OD Manual will need to be approved by the board in April
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