2021 - September Beacon
Al started looking into updatng the POS system in January, he has researched 4 – 5 diferent optons. The best opton as ofnowiswewouldgetthesystem,cashboxandprinterforfree.Itwouldbe$40.00 per month with 2.14% credit cardfees.Wewouldreceive50freemembercardsbutwouldhavetopay $0.69 for additonalcards.APCIcompliancefeewouldbewaived.Thesystemcouldbesetuptoaccept membership dues, etc. we could alsoaddalinktothewebsiteforpayment.Thesystemcanbesetthat the member would pay all credit card fees. Al researched our current fees, and we are paying about 3.82%infees. MotontoapproveanewPOSsystem Motonby: AlDouglas Second by :KevinRae Moton :Carriedbyall 3.PolicyCommiteeUpdates P/C Rick Romatz and Commodore Glenn Nixon are working to have this completed in the next couple weeks. 4.AppointmenttoHarborandGroundsDirectorPositon Executvesession NEWBUSINESS NoNewBusiness High5’s None MemberoftheMonth ScotGreenfelder Motonby: BillBurkhardt Second by :DebbieSiwek Moton :Carriedbyall GoodoftheOrder MotontohelpprovideboattransportatonfortheABYAmeetngAugust2 nd toBelvedereBoatClub. Motonby: P/CBillCalihan Secondby: AlDouglas Moton: Carriedbyall. Adjournment Motontoadjournthemeetngat8:40pm Motonby: P/CBillCalihan Secondby: DennisAlcazar Moton: Carriedbyall. NextMeetng DateandTime:ThursdayAugust12 th ,20217:00pmatNCYC
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