2022 - Feb - Beacon
For all of our members that are enjoying the winter somewhere warm as well as all our members that are spending a few weeks there on vacation, please travel safe and we look forward to an early Spring and seeing you all at the Elite Brigade weekends.
Our terrific trio of Fleet Captions, Susan Burkhardt, Sharon Javery & Kim Miedema are planning 3 exciting rendezvous for us. The dates and locations are listed below. Please plan your schedule to attend all three, they are going to be great.
Club Island
June 10th – June 12th
Ford Yacht Club
July 15th – July 17th
St. Clair Harbor
Aug. 12th – Aug. 14th
As we look to the Spring, please plan to stay engaged and look for opportunities to volunteer, participate and most importantly ensure we are moving the NCYC in the right direction. If you are interested in managing one of the projects listed above, please reach out to any member of the Board of Directors or the Flag. We welcome your ideas and expertise to ensure all these projects are completed on-time and within budget. Thank you to everyone in advance for your dedication this year and for finding ways to use your talent to better the club.
Your Flag
Dale Hall
Brian Franger
Scott Greenfelder
Rear Commodore
Rear Commodore
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