2022 - Feb - Beacon
A Message from Chaplain Mark Javery
On January 12th member Larry Gierlowski who had been in hospice at home passed away. Keep his wife Adrienne, daughter Laurie, and their families in your thoughts and prayers. On January 13th member Norma Smith who had been battling health issues also passed away at home. Keep her husband Greg, son Shawn, daughter Stephanie in your thoughts and prayers. You notice I call our NCYC membership family … ..In my contact with our families who have been experiencing loss there is always mention of how appreciative they are of the thoughts, prayers, concern, and compassion they receive from their friends, “family” at our club. We are part of something more than a building on an island … ..may it ever be so. Don’t forget to pray for the health and safety of our membership over these winter months. Whether enjoying our beautiful winter wonderland or traveling to warmer climates may the good Lord bless and keep you.
Thank You Lord for giving me The brand new year ahead. Help me live the way I should As each new day I tread.
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