From the Editor… I mentioned in last month’s editorial, I was looking forward to the summer heating up! Michigan’s weather never really delivered the heat wave we were expecting. Matter-of-fact, according to local meteorologists, Detroit has only had two days in the 90 degree temperatures this year. The good news is, low summer temperatures does not forecast lower winter temps. Meteorologists stated, historically in Michigan cooler summer temperatures meant warmer winter months! Thank you to the Ancient Mariners for hosting the NCYC Horse Races which were a great success! The NCYC & CRBC reciprocal rendezvous were fun had by all, thanks to Fleet Captain Ian Blackburn & Marie Pepin and Rich & Mary Goodman as Weekend OD’s. Special thanks to the many volunteers that helped support them! I want to thank all of the NCYC membership for delivering dockside courtesy and hospitality to the incoming rendezvous this year. With NCYC being members of Anchor Bay Yachting Association (ABYA) and Inter-Lake Yachting Association (I-LYA), it is good for our Club’s reputation to act as ambassadors in our boating community and occasionally welcome reciprocal clubs to our island. As they often invite the NCYC membership to their friendly clubs to visit.
We are two-thirds though our boating season at the Club. If you have not signed up for your work hours or would like to volunteer, please contact Randy Pagel.
Please look inside for upcoming events such as the Calendar of Events, Commodores Golf Outing, and July Member of the Month, First Mates Italian Dinner, and a Special Visitor Guest Pass.
See you on the Island,
Brent Malik Director, Publications
“we can’t control the wind, but we can direct the sail…”
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