The Dog Days of Summer ಹ thatಬs what the month of August should be. Not rainy, cool and hoping for temperatures to break above the warm mark. Why, I spilled a cocktail in the North Channel and the ice cubes didnಬt melt until the No Wake marker! Whereಬs the Schefkeಬs? Maybe they can at least come up with a Dog Day Afternoon? The 2014 season at NCYC seems to be going right along with folks enjoying themselves and getting involved in what we have to offer. Guests and visiting Yachtsmen have been stopping by our Island and Iಬm proud to say that we have had all positive feedback from them. It is You that deserve a pat on the back for all these great responses since it is through all of our efforts that we make this happen.

This past month of July proved very successful in a number of ways. The pounding of hoofs and deafening cheers from the crowds, the colorful and artistic Derby Hats worn by the women all showcased the North Channel Downs again hosted by our Ancient Mariners. With a most worthy cause of paying down the Clubಬs debt, my thanks goes out to Ancient Mariner President Archie Archibald and Lady Patti for bringing this event back to us this year. The tireless efforts of Diane French, who for the past year has worked on securing donations and prizes, cannot be thanked enough. P/C Pete Beecherl as auctioneer extraordinaire did a tremendous job of emceeing the Races and Auction. P/C Denise Huntley, Tom Huntley and all the folks manning the betting booth and all else that went into making this happen. A resounding Thank You! Another few members deserving of recognition for their continuing efforts in supporting the Club are no strangers to the word Involvement. Part of the activities with the Horse Races is the famous Spaghetti Dinner and that was offered by a few of our NCYC chefs. Working their culinary magic was Ed and Diane Romatz, Ron and Jeanine Kemp and crew. Thank you for rounding out this event by feeding the hungry masses. I really think that these folks should be on their own Food Network show for all of the cooking that they do. Ed and Diane hosted and cooked the Captainಬs Breakfast of which Iಬm happy that they brought back to NCYC after an absence. Our Galloping Gourmets struck again at the Rendezvous at Club Island by cooking up a Lake Erie perch dinner of which was enjoyed by all. Marie Pepin insisted that they were Canadien perch because they tasted so well. I opted for diplomacy by bestowing the kudos to our cooks Ed Romatz, Ron Kemp, Steve Marten, P/C Scot Bell and Randy Pagel. Fleet Captain Ian Blackburn and Marie Pepin took center stage with the successful NCYC/CRBC reciprocal rendezvous. It was attended equally by both Clubs and from what I have heard everyone from BOTH Clubs had a good time of it. Ian and Marie put a lot of planning into this event and had started early in the year getting all of the details in place. The other two Club Rendezvousಬ should prove to be as successful with the Milliken Rendezvous already SOLD OUT and the final NCYC Rendezvous at the Island just around the corner in mid-September.

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