NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 7

Commodore’s Comments:

Commodore, John Anderson

Commodore John welcomed PC Jim Angers to the meeting.

All seems to be going well these days at NCYC. We're pretty much on target for the goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of this year. We must continue our determination to move our Club forward in all areas. Membership, social enjoyment and financial discipline. Let us not become complacent with the good times. Let us stay in tune with what our members are telling us. Keeping on top of these issues will ensure the continued improvement of North Channel. I have to extend a heart-felt Thank You to RC Chuck and Sandi Stroh for their successful efforts in putting on Kid's Day for us this year. I don't know who was happier at the event, the kids who were winning prizes and laughing with the games or me who watched all these smiling faces before me having a good time of it. Thank you Chuck and Sandi.

Please try to stay involved with the activities planned ahead of us. With that involvement, the membership sees that we practice what we preach.

Plenty of things to do coming up this month. A lot of visitors coming to see us. Let' keep the welcome mat out and show these folks what North Channel is all about.

Vice-Commodore’s Comments:

Vice Commodore, Brian McEvoy

Attendance at the Island has been a bit slow again this year to date. We need to encourage our members, and those of us here at the Board table to come frequently and participate in the Club activities and events. I have noticed many member boats are not flying our burgee. With many new members this year and last, it is important that members boats can be identified by the OD by their burgee. Let's encourage anyone not displaying their burgee to please do so in the future.

Rear-Commodore’s Comments:

Rear Commodore, Chuck Stroh

I have been remiss for missing a lot of weekends at the island lately, family obligations have prevented our attendance on several weekends. I came in on Sunday and it was a beautiful day. It is nice to see so many people coming and enjoying the island. I have a new found respect for the people who have put on Kid's Day in the past. It was a lot of work but also a lot

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