NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 7
Supplies – Hugh Vestal Hugh will be paring down on the inventory as it gets closer to the end of the year so we don't have as much left over as we did last year. He also returned the gas tanks to Blue Water, so we will not see any more rental fees. Ted Marini is supplying the gas for the wine and the micro brews and Coca Cola is supplying the gas for the fountain drinks.
Transportation – Pat Carroll Absent Excused
Fleet Captain - Ian Blackburn We have 28 boats for Milliken and 25 boats for Club Island.
Topic # 1 PC Jim Angers gave a presentation on the Glacial Energy contract. We saved 21.9% last year. In light of Glacial's problems, there was a question as to whether they would sell the company or keep it. It was decided that they would keep it. They will restructure it and rename it. The president is no longer with the company. Jim indicated that there are other companies out there that could offer us greater savings or stay with Glacial. If we stayed and Glacial went under, we would be switched back to the electric company and we would be locked in for two years. PC Jim will get quotes from other companies and get the quotes to Frank and the Board will explore options and decide the best way to proceed. Topic # 2 The By-Law Committee met to discuss the subject of Honorary Members. Their recommendation was not to admit any further HonoraryMembers into the Club, since it is not a valid classification. The two long standing Honorary Members will remain. A letter will be sent to Cheri Malleis informing her of the By-Law Committee's recommendation, and that the Board had no standing to approve her as an honorary member. She will be welcome to the island as a guest of the Commodore. Motion: Moved by Don Reiss to accept the By-Law Committee's recommendation. Seconded by VC Brian McEvoy.
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