NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 7

Clubhouse - Rich Goodman There is a banging of pipes in the laundry room. We are looking into it to find the problem. We had two freezers that broke down. One was a timer problem, and one was a relay switch. Both freezers are now working. Harbor & Grounds – Don Reiss Don stated that Ron Kahl recommended that we go with paver bricks on the walkway instead of the composite boards. It is more durable and more economical to repair. He also indicated that we will be needing a new seawall on the Robison in the near future. Don will get a quote from Ron and present it to the Board. PC Hugh Vestal stated that we need to replace some of the pedestals. Don will look into that. A discussion was held on members docking their boats in the appropriate size wells, especially on Party Weekends. Membership- Brian Malik Brian Malik was absent excused so PC Hugh Vestal gave the report. PC Hugh interviewed two new members. Mark Keitz (Kristine Blake) and Lucretia Sterling (James) Motion: Moved by Bob Carnaghi to approve Mark Keitz as a member. Seconded by Randy Pagel. Motion Carried. Motion: Moved by Rich Goodman to approve Lucretia Sterling as a member. Seconded by Don Reiss. Motion Carried.

Publications- Brent Malik No Report

Secretary – Randy Pagel Randy Pagel said that he was going to add a paragraph to the OD manual stating that the extra money in the Manager's Apartment is for reserve. It is to be used for making change for the working drawer.

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