July is about gone and the island is in full swing. Things are shaping up to be another great NCYC year. The 4 th of July festivities, the Ancient Mariner’s Horse Races, the Club Island Rendezvous, visiting incoming clubs to the island, all on top of the everyday fun at the island has made July a sensational. Sandi and I had the pleasure of attending the horse races as well as the Club Island trip. They both were well supported and loads of fun. These activities take the work of many members who so continue to so generously give their time and donations to make them so successful. Thank you to the Accent Mariners and to our Fleet Ian and Marie, great job the membership all appreciate your efforts.

I’m looking forward to the upcoming events, the Milliken’s Marina rendezvous and attending the Tigers game, GO DETROIT! If you haven’t made plans for the Commodores cruse yet it’s not too late the more the merrier, Put-In-Bay here we come!

Our membership continues to grow, we are still receiving new member applications from people that I’m sure we will be fortunate to have in our extended family.

The club is running very well, I want to take the time to recognize and show appreciation for all of the weekday managers and weekend OD’s that we depend on to keep our club running smoothly week to week. Thank you very much! It is time again for nominations for the Board of Directors and Flag positions for 2015. The fan out has been sent and the hunt is on. You should give it some serious consideration, it’s a very important aspect of our club. Others have served before you so that you could enjoy what we have today at the island. I encourage you to step up, put your name in the hat, and work with us, I would be honored to serve the membership with you, let’s make a difference together. As I said last month, if you want to maximize your island fun and experience, come, get involved, help support the events, the OD’s and week managers in any way that you can. Be a bigger part of the club, see a weed pick a weed, take a minute and fix the little things, and let any board or flag member know of anything you may want addressed.

See you soon on the island,

R/C Chuck Stroh

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