Some Newest of the New Member Info; Please Welcome:
Kim & Tony Scicluna - We have seen Kim & Tony at the club through the years visiting as a Board member of the ABYA and with JYC. She came to ladies week as a guest of Irene Martin. Kim retired from Blue Cross and Tony works in Artificial intelligence (cool stuff-soon to retire too!) They live on a canal in St. Clair Shores. The boat is Big Fun - a 31 Rinker. They spend lots of time with their grandkids too! Janis & Dominic Degregory- This couple loved the Steak and Lobster dinner so much they joined! Thanks to our new member Kathy Hickey for bringing them over as a guest. They live on Park Lane in the Algonac canal area. They have a 32 Sunsation Dominator that they might be trading in soon for a cruiser. Janis is a local Real Estate Broker and Dominic works in infrastructure construction for Consumers Energy. Their daughter Samantha also joined as a Junior member! Russ & Jenn Greenfelder - The name may be familiar - he is our Club House Director's nephew. They enjoyed our Open House and decided to join us. They are looking forward to starting the trend to have young kids enjoying the club. They have a beautiful 5 year old daughter Ryleigh. Russ is in the HVAC business. Jenn is also busy - taking on a new job. They live in Harrison Twp and have a 32 Carver. Pat & Brigida (pronounced like the actress Gina lollobrigida) Sullivan - Our newest members as of this morning. Pat retired from General Dynamics and Brigida from teaching. They got to experience living in Madrid Spain for Pat's last assignment. They have a beautiful home on Harsens Island, but their primary address in in Cape Coral Florida. We warned them that there are a lot of us wintering in Florida.. they may make year-round friendships by joining this club. They also get to "join" the Tiara club as they boat in a 34 Tiara Pursuit. They have 4 kids and 8 grandchildren and see the family often.
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