NCYCMEMBERS: THISCERTIFICATE IS TOBEGIVEN TOA BOATINGFRIENDWHOMAYWANT TO JOINTHE NCYC IN2018: I, (member name)____ invite you (guest name)_____ and your first mate, to be my guest at the NCYC to enjoy the Club on the weekend of ( month, date, 2017) With the payment of dockage on Friday night ($2.00 per foot) you are invited to stay Saturday night at no charge. We hope you will find our Island Treasure to be an enjoyable place that you may want to join with your family. Please check out for more information on membership. **Party weekends are excluded (Labor Day, Haul Out, etc.) Please remember guests must come with their sponsors and only one coupon is allowed per boat
Guest contact information:
Mailing address: Street _____________________________________________________________ City and zip ________________________________________________________
Phone number? ____________________
NCYC staff – please add completed form to Binder in drawer at the bar.
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