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9 May 2019
Motion: Moved by Dale Hall and seconded by Debbie Siwek to approve the Financial Report. Motion Carried.
ABYA Report
P/C Randy Pagel
The ABYA Spring Fundraiser Dinner Dance is being well received by the ABYA membership. Should be a great turnout and would like to see a good representation of NCYC members. I still have tickets left to sell our members, so please see me. Event date is May 31 st -June 2 nd . The Chili cookoff for the Homeless Vets on Sunday, April 28 th was very successful. ABYA raised $4000 for the Vets at this event
Correspondence All Commodore Ian Blackburn read a request from the Water Warriors requesting a lunch stop on the island for their poker run on June 26, 2019.
Motion : Moved by P/C Randy Page and seconded by Ron Draper to grant permission for the Water Warriors to come to the island for their lunch stop on June 26. Motion Carried.
Commodore Ian Blackburn read a letter from the Port Dover Yacht club requesting that NCYC match the 1.50 per foot charge (which is the charge at their club) for their members when visiting the island. A decision was made by the board to maintain our current dockage rates and policies.
Tom Huntley Tom advised that two of the three paid bartenders are confirmed for Memorial Day weekend and he is working on the third.
John Sweier
John advised that the fire extinguisher certification is scheduled for May 14, the spider spray is scheduled for May 17 and the club house cleaning crew is scheduled for May 19 or 20. John also advised that he is working on scheduling the carpet cleaning and waxing of the tile floors.
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