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9 May 2019
Harbor & Grounds Tom Altobelli Tom advised the board that Jays service out of Lapeer will be servicing our porta john on the mainland and continue to do so once per month. The club will be direct billed at a cost of $50.00 per month. Tom also updated the board on the progress of the cement work for the grill pads and advised that the work will be completed at the upcoming work party this weekend.
Debbie Siwek
Debbie advised that copies of the newly revised membership applications will be kept behind the bar. Debbie presented Commodore Ian Blackburn with the new register for the Yacht Clubs of America and advised that will also be kept behind the bar. Debbie advised that she deposited $14, 875 today frommembership dues and will let Treasurer Brian Fringer know the deposit has been made. Debbie described a situation of a member who paid his dues but the check was returned for non- sufficient funds. She has tried to contact the member however her calls have not been returned and Debbie feels that she has made every effort to communicate with and get payment from the member.
Motion: Moved by Tom Altobelli and seconded by VC Bill Calihan to expel the member not in good standing according to Article 5 section 2 on page 78 of the club policies. Motion Carried.
Debbie also advised that she will get flowers for the new members to be presented at the business meeting.
Ron Draper
Ron advised that the rosters are currently at the printer. He also led a discussion about making the roster available in a digital form either as part of the Beacon or the club website. It was agreed that it was a good idea if a login was required to gain access for security reasons.
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