NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 7


A letter was received by Ron Kemp regarding the increase in the beer prices and offering free drinks to the people who are working at special events. It was discussed that the free drinks for the workers at special events will continue, but should be kept to beer or well drinks. The 25 cent increase in the beer prices was due to going from 12 ounces to 16 ounces. Secretary Randy Pagel will respond to Ron in a letter. PC Hugh Vestal also indicated that he would call Ron. Sandy Stroh wrote a letter asking the board to approve an additional TV for the kids room. Kid's Day made a profit of $1,046.09 and she was requesting $500 of that profit to purchase the additional TV.

Motion: Moved by Randy Pagel to approve the $500 for the additional TV. Seconded by Don Reiss.

A discussion was held. It was decided to table this item for a future meeting.

Motion Failed.

A Thank You note was received from PC Pete and Gale Beecherl for the flower arrangement for Matthew's funeral.

A note was received from Ford Yacht Club inviting our members to visit their facilities during the 2014 season.

A letter was received from The North American Demo Boat Show asking if we would place the information for the show in our Beacon and on our bulletin board. The show will be held at Cedar Point on August 21-24.


Activities - Bob Carnaghi Thanks to RC Chuck and Sandi Stroh for hosting Kid's Day. It was a huge success, and the event made $1,046. The Captain's Breakfast was a success. The report will be sent to Bob this week. The North Channel Downs Horse Races will be held this weekend. Please support this event. The Club Island Rendezvous will be held July 18-20. If you are going to this rendezvous, please respect their island as if it were your own. If you are here at our island, please welcome Club Island to NCYC. The Wertz Warriors will come to our island On Wednesday July 16th for a Poker Run. They will be at the island between 11:30 and 1:00 pm.

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